Hopeless Romantic (Touta Matsuda x Reader)

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  Sorry for this low quality (Written by -novas)

"Everyone, this is Y/N. She is joining alongside us on the Kira case. I believe she will be a great addition to this team." L introduces you as he anxiously licks his lips.

The teams gasps as you stand boldly besides L. You could obviously tell they weren't taking you seriously.

"She looks too pretty to be smart." One says as you gape. You narrow your eyes.

L chuckles. "I would be watching my tongue if I were you." He comments biting into a piece of cake. "Y/N can speak several foreign languages and is an excellent detective herself."

One man who looked slightly young yelps. "I'm sorry miss Y/N! I'm sure Aizawa didn't mean what he said!"

You smile. "Don't worry about it, men will be men."


After that little "introduction" you decided to chat with the man who apologized earlier. He nearly jumps as you sit down next to him.

"Hi, mind if I sit here?"

His eyes go wide as he stutters. "Of c-course! Go right ahead." He didn't seem this skittish around his fellow teammates.

"You don't have to be afraid of me, y'know. I don't bite." The man smiles as you reassure him.

"Oh- sorry!" He chuckles, brushing the back of his neck. "My name is Touta Matsuda. I apologize if I came off a bit well- flustered." Matsuda apologizes as his cheeks turn red.

Just then, Light walks by holding some papers in his hands. Matsuda leaps up and takes him to a different room leaving you dazzled in confusion.

"What the heck? Matsuda?" Light yells as Matsuda murmurs several apologies.

Light then notices Matsuda's bright shade of pink painted on his cheeks. He grins.

"You're good with romance right? I know it's rushed but I think Y/N is my soulmate! How do I tell her?" Matsuda panics as he watches you sit alone in the room with a confused expression.

Light chuckles. "Admit it to her. But I think you may want to know her better first. You don't know a thing about her, Matsuda, and you're already asking her out. Start with a coffee date or something small first." Light suggests as he fixes his pile of messy papers.

"Oh- okay. Well thank you anyways Light." Matsuda exits the room, still very flustered and confused.

You smile as Matsuda reenters the room. He stands in front of you, but doesn't sit down. This was all strange.

"Matsuda?" You begin, glancing up at the tall figure. "Is everything alright?"

Matsuda jumps and his cheeks go red again. He nods. You raise your eyebrows.

"Y/N I was wondering if you wanted to join me over at that coffee shop down the street later today? I mean I totally understand if you can't!"Matsuda stutters with a sheepish grin.

Your face lights up. "Of course! I'd love to go with you."

Matsuda couldn't believe his own eyes. You just agreed to go out with him.


"Where on earth are you going this late at night?" L questions as he catches you about to leave. L always was the one to act like an older brother.

"To the coffee shop. Matsuda invited him to come with him." You explain when L smirks and raises his eyebrow. You roll your eyes at him.

"Alright, but be careful, okay? The last thing I need is for you to be killed by Kira." L waves goodbye to you as you exit the room.

After a few minutes or so, you enter the coffee shop that Matsuda invited you to. Your heart starting pounding in your chest as you see the brunet eagerly wave to you. Why were you so nervous? You had never felt this nervous before.

You loved the way his eyes lit up whenever the others were down, and how sheepish he was around you. Was this what love felt like? No, you can't say that. You just met him, you don't even know him that well! Besides, love was something risky to have during the Kira case.

You softly smile and sit down across from Matsuda, who had a big grin to hide his nervousness. "Hey Y/N!" He energetically greets.

"Sorry I'm late." You apologize as Matsuda looks surprised. You had a few "setbacks" at headquarters.

"Oh don't worry about it! I already ordered waters for us, if that's okay with you." Matsuda explains. He was so sweet, asking you if this or that was okay. He must really be interested.

"Matsuda, you don't have to ask me about everything. Anything you feel is right is okay with me."

Matsuda breathes a sigh of relief. "Good so do you wanna exchange phone numbers now?"


Your eyes widen in confusion. "W-what?" You breathe out, as Matsuda has a look of panic across his 


"Isn't that what the couples do in the movies?" Matsuda sweetly asks in the midst of his extreme confusion.

You pause. "Couples? Do you-?" You couldn't finish. Matsuda thought that you were a.. Couple?

He almost began to cry. "I'm sorry Y/N! I was so caught up in my own head that I thought this was a date. When I first saw you, first heard your voice, I thought you were an angel. I wanted to ask you out so bad but I guess I'm just bad at this romance stuff." Matsuda says as he begins to leave. You grab his hand and give him a soft tug to come back.

Matsuda gives in, and sits back down. Before he has the chance to respond, you kiss him on the cheek. 

"Be my hopeless romantic?"

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