Investigating (Mail Jeevas x Reader)

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Written by m_y_s_t
Light fluff.
[Mail Jeevas, Also Know As Matt, from DeathNote.]
Y/A=Your Alias
This story will most likely not follow DeathNotes plot.


This is because it might be confusing for some readers.
You have been in Wammy's house, after Light Yagami has died. But few months later, a new Kira has risen. Near has taken on this case, joining with the others. You have gotten access to voice chatting Near, finding suspects. In this story, Matt and Mello have not died, but "disappeared".

" I'm glad you could help on this case, (Y/N) (L/N)." Near says, twirling a piece of white hair. "A certain someone has hacked into Sakura TV broadcast, in a middle of information they were giving about a third Kira." You sigh, and took the sandpaper colored folder, and placing it in your leather briefcase with a click. "I am hoping you would track down this hacker, and see if they have any information." You nod, and head out of the dark room without looking back at Near, or his silly toys. You went back to your room in Wammy's house, opening up your silver laptop. You search for any suspects. You worked day and night.

And then you came across one suspect that was not like the others. This one was about eighteen, with brown-auburn hair and striking blue eyes. In fact, he was from Wammy's house. The shocking thing about this suspect was that he was the third successor to L. Why would someone 'support' a new Kira when L was the one who was trying to stop it? The thought came across your mind. You decide not to tell Near this information until you were sure. He was handsome, for sure, but if this guy did help the third Kira, then you must stop him. You deepened your search on him, his name was Matt. What was his last name? And then it clicked. Stupid Aliases.


After two weeks of searching, you finally found some information needed. At day you would talk with your friends, enjoy a walk in the cherry blossom park, and often read. But at night, you would talk to Near about the suspects of Kira, and his follower. This new Kira was not like Light Yagami. This one was out for famous inventors and celebrities. "It seems that this Kira is out for popularity, and not for justice." Near concludes, after watching the news broadcast on Misa Amanes death.

You quickly turn off the voice chat and lounge in your office chair. You knew Near solved the Kira case this time, why couldn't he solve this one even faster?

You knew it was time. Time to track down Matt. This time, you're solving this case without a pros help.


The wind blowed your (H/C) hair. Walking in your black stilettos, you stopped. The sun shone off your glasses. It was hot for March. A dimly lit sign glowed.

The arcade. This was the top place he would be at. He was quite a nerd, seeming that he never goes outside most of times, and spends his weekends at the arcade or at various computer shops. Opening the door, a gust of cold air slammed in your face. You could already hear the voices and constant sound of video games. This was a more nicer arcade, you had to admit, but it still had the familiar smell of plastic and dust. And you spotted Matt. It was easy. He had a striped shirt with a fur vest. Amber tinted goggles framed his hairline. He was playing some kind of shooting game, a black machine gun resting on his shoulder. You silently tiptoed over to him. "Matt?" You whisper to his ear after tapping his shoulder. He sharply turns his head, dropping the plastic machine gun. You couldn't believe you found him already. This guy makes careless mistakes, you thought from further examining. And now he's acting shocked, just like someone who got caught would. "And you are?" Matt said cooly, leaning against the game. "It's (Y/A)." You smile.

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