Cooking (Haru Nanase x Reader)

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(Written by -novas)

You told Haru you would be coming home later than usual tonight because of a project you had to work on. So, here you were, walking home alone. The walk was nice admittedly, you didn't have to deal with any noises or anything. 

Haru's house comes into view. You pick up your pace as you near it. Suddenly, you catch a huge whiff of some amazing smell. What was it?

You remain silent as you enter Haru's house, where he doesn't turn his head to see you enter. The smell fills the room in here, and your mouth was watering. Haru was wearing his typical apron over his swimsuit again while cooking again.

"What's cookin' good lookin'?" You tease Haru whose cheeks go red as he notices you. You run over to him and wrap your arms around him as he continues to cook.


"That's a surprise. Never would guessed Haru Nanase would be cooking mackerel." You joke as Haru's face remains unchanged. He flips the mackerel again.

"Well if you want the mackerel raw-."

You stop him. "Sorry. Can I help?" You plead as Haru freezes. He sighs and nods. You squeal with joy.

Haru grabs your hand and lays it on the pan handle. He places his hand on yours where he guides you. Your felt your face heat up as he continues to show you how to cook.

Haru lifts the spatula with his spare hand, and holds it in front of him. He motions for you to take it, and you take with a shaking hand. 

"Flip it." Is all Haru says as you hesitate. What if you screwed this up? Now's not the time to be nervous, Y/N.

Instead of actually flipping it, you stand with the spatula in your hand as the mackerel burns. Haru murmurs something to himself and aggressively guides the spatula. You jump from the sudden move, and fling the mackerel across the room.

Haru shouts and sighs. Your eyes widen as you look to floor with shame. "I'm sorry Haru. You know what I shouldn't even be cooking. I don't know why I even-." You begin to ramble as Haru silences you.

"No, you can help. Don't be so stressed on making it perfect, be free." Haru suggests as you make a "are you actually kidding me" face. That was typical of him to say something like that.

Haru tosses another mackerel onto the pan. He guides you, and the two of you flip it successfully. You smile as you look at the mackerel that was actually decent and not on the other side of the room.

Haru twirls a knife in his hand and skillfully cuts up the mackerel into two halves. He seasons it as well as squeezes some lemon on it. You grab the plates and put each half on a plate.

Without anymore words, Haru and you sit down to eat dinner. He didn't say much, and probably expected the fish to taste normal.

Haru raises an eyebrow as he looks at it, and lifts up a piece in his mouth. As he eats it, Haru's eyes go wide.

"Haru what's wrong? Are you choking? I'm certified in mouth to mouth reception!" You exclaim, getting in Haru's face. Haru lightly pushes you away.

"Y/N..." His voice trails off as his eyes twinkle. "This is the best mackerel I've ever had!" 

Haru stuffs more mackerel into his face. You laugh as you watch the boy. Was it really that good?

"Y/N, cook with me again sometime?"

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