Hope (Leo Fitz x Reader)

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By MRomanoff

Contains spoilers for season one of Agents of SHIELD.

This was it. It had to be. You were doomed.

You sat hopelessly, slouching against the wall in a box miles down in the ocean. Fitz was desperately trying to fix his arm, while Jemma lay motionless as she had been knocked out from the fall.

You still couldn't believe Ward would do this to you. He had been a valued asset on your team, until he decided that he owned a greater loyalty to HYDRA instead.

HYDRA decided to test his loyalty by asking him to kill Fitz, Simmons, and you, and he carried it out. As much as the three of you tried to plead for his mercy, he just ignored it. So, he sent you three down to the ocean in the small box.

"Y/N," Fitz breathes out in a sigh, "Thank goodness you're still awake! I thought you'd passed out from the fall along with Jemma."

"I'm alright Fitz," You begin with a smile, "But the real question is if you're alright?"

Fitz shuffles as he notices you examining his cast.

"It's fine, really. You don't have to worry about me, Y/N." Fitz says quietly as he rubs his arm.

You shake your head as your thoughts divert back to Ward. "I can't believe Ward really did that, I thought he was with us!" You murmur.

Fitz nods. "Well at least this isn't as bad as being killed personally by him."

You let out a large sigh as you glance out the window at the ocean. "I just can't believe this is our last time talking together. I guess life really is short." You glance down at the floor.

Fitz gently lifts your face to his. "Hey, hey, don't be saying things like that now. You know, we might actually have a chance out of this. I'd just like to think of it as that we haven't figured it out yet." Fitz smiles, as you smile.

You hear rustling where Jemma is, and you glance over to see her slowly sitting up. Fitz rushes over to her, and hugs her.

You felt drowsiness falling upon you, and you begin to drift away in your sleep.


"Y/N, Y/N! Wake up, wake up!" Fitz shook you awake as you saw the two leaning over you.

"What is it?" You groan as you sit up with a grumbling stomach.

You could hardly believe the words you were about to hear.

"We've figured out a way to escape from here!"


Sorry if this sucked :)

Also, I just wanted to add that I have added Attack On Titan (Shingeki no Kyojin) to the list of Fandoms we will write imagines for!

It's possible that there will be a part two to this!

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