Just a Nightmare (Ludwig Germany x Reader)

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(This imagine probably won't make any sense and be really really weird if you have not seen the movie Paint It White!) by -novas who might have a slight obsession with Germany now.

Also, there will be Gifs inserted into the story to help :)

After the event with those strange aliens almost taking over the world and destroying the countries, Germany kept having strange dreams. Luckily you hadn't been hurt during the invasion, but Germany was on the brink of insanity.

Germany sits on the leather couch of your shared house, as he rubs his temples. He hadn't gotten any sleep in days, and the bags under his eyes were very visible. Even Italy was concerned.

Although you did know about the invasion, you assumed his reason for no sleep was work overloads. That would make sense because stress can cause dreams; especially nightmares to be specific.

"I am going to bed now, good night Y/N." He states, narrowing his eyes with tiredness. You smile as he yawns and pecks you on the cheek. He stumbles off into the bed room, holding every object possible to guide his sight.

As if his sleeping problems weren't enough, he'd always drink after a nightmare to try to relieve his pain. When you would ask, he'd tell you that it's "No big deal," or to "go back to bed." If only he'd tell you.

Your thoughts were interrupted as the phone besides you rang loudly. You flinch and lift it up, only to be greeted with a loud voice.

"Heeeyyy Y/N! Is Germany there? He won't seem to answer his phone." Italy exclaims through the phone, earning a chuckle from you. Your eyes wander off to the door to your bedroom, where Germany was resting.

You laugh. "No sorry he just went to bed. But I'm here if that helps." Italy whines from the other side as Japan mumbles.

"Okay! Want to come over for a movie night? France, America, England, China, Japan, and Russia are all here!" Italy explains. The countries surrounding Italy expressed a few hellos before chatting among themselves again.

You smile. Hopefully Germany wouldn't mind? "Of course, I'd love to come! I'll be there in twenty." You hung up the phone, sitting it on the sofa.

Meanwhile; (Germany's POV)

Not one of those dreams again. Resist it Germany, resist it!

It was that same setting on that deserted island. Those aliens were closing in on the countries and Y/N stood by me with fear in her eyes. Her fingers trembled as they gripped my torn jacket. She buried her head in my chest. I couldn't go down this way.

The two of us watched in horror as the other countries were defeated, turning white. I needed to be the one to save Y/N this time, not fail. If only Italy would help me right now.It was time to fight.

I charged them, sending several flying with a strong punch. All that matters was to protect my love. I fought my way through the crowd, knocking each of them out.

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