Tonight (Momotarou Mikoshiba x Reader)

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(Written by -novas)

S/N stands for your Sister's Name

You're basically going to be that annoying younger sibling in this (:

"S/N, your father and I are going out this evening and I would like you to watch over Y/N for tonight, understood?" Your mother tells your sister as she lifts her purse over her shoulder.

Your sister's jaw drops. "What? Why? Mommm this is so unfair!" S/N whines as she crosses her arms stubbornly. Your mother chuckles as she and your father exit the house, leaving the two of you alone.

S/N groans as she plops herself on the couch. She sends you a death glare before glancing back at her own phone.

"If it helps you any I don't like having to stay alone here with you either." You joke, earning a slap on the head. You pout and lean back on the couch.

"Look, my boyfriend is coming over tonight, and the last thing I need is for you to ruin it, okay?" She threatens, as she furrows her eyebrows upon reading her texts.

You grin widely. "Ooh! S/N and Seijuro sittin' in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-."

"Shut it!" She looks as if she was about to strangle you. You didn't blame her. If you were her, you'd probably strange yourself too.

The doorbell rings and S/N jumps up and runs to the door. She opens it and blushes when she sees Seijuro with flowers in her hand. S/N had to hide her disappointment when she notices the younger kid beside him.

"Hey! I'm so glad you could come." S/N greets with the fakest of the fake voice. Seijuro didn't seem to see through her fake smile though.

He hugs her. "I'm glad to see you, S/N. And I really do apologize for this but we're having renovations on our house so I had to bring my younger brother." He explains pointing to his brother. The kid smiles and waves.

"S/N this is Momotarou, Momo this is S/N." Seijuro introduces, and the two of them shake hands.

"So I heard you had a sister! Is she hot?" Momo blurts out, your cheeks going red. Seijuro nearly slaps him.

Seijuro sighs. "I'm sorry about that. He can get that way sometimes."

S/N laughs. "Don't worry about that, my sister does the same thing with boys. This is Y/N, by the way." She introduces you as well. Okay so now you wanted to kill her.

"Anyways, I believe we have a date awaiting us my dear. See you later, Momo." Seijuro smoothly states, wrapping an arm around her waist.

You gape. "-B-but S/N! You're supposed to be staying with me!" You argue, tugging on her hand.

With a scoff, S/N pulls her arm out of your grip. "You're a high schooler now, Y/N, I don't think you need me to babysit you anymore. Besides, I've got places to be!" She exclaims, giggling at the end to Seijuro.

"Adios." Seijuro and S/N leave like that. How could they? Sure S/N had a point that you were old enough to stay by yourself, but she had a strict responsibility and she betrayed it!

This night couldn't be worse anyways. You were stuck at your home with the most annoying kid ever. You could try to act nice, you guessed.

The two of you sat in your living room, clueless of what to do. Momo was staring at you the whole time, drooling on the sofa.

"So what do you like to do for a hobby?" You question, still feeling annoyed that he was glaring at you so heavily.

His eyes lit up. "I like to swim! I'm on a swim team, and we meet after school. You should come to one of our meets some time." He suggests, winking at the end.

You remember what he was talking about. He went to a boarding school called Samezuka, and they had a great swimming team.

"You go to Samezuka? That's so cool!" You exclaim, when he grins sheepishly.

"Yep. So anyways, what do you like to do?"

You think to yourself for a moment. What did you like to do?

"Draw, and play sports for the most of it. I also enjoy crying over the deaths of fictional characters." You add that last part for the humor of yourself. Momo chuckles as well.

"I got an idea, let's watch a movie! If that's alright with you, of course." His polite side comes out. You grin.

"I'm up for that, but which one? Just tell me a movie and I'll tell you if we have it."

Momo think to himself for a moment. He looks around the room and his eyes twinkle. "I got it! Do you have the Titanic?"

You pause. "I do. I don't see why you're so into it, but I do." You eye Momo oddly as he smirks. You grab the disc from its case and insert it into the DVD player.

So Momo was going for that cliche love thing now, was he? He won't get the best of you.

Well that's what you thought. Truth is, a lot of things can happen when two high schoolers are too exhausted to function.

The lights were dimmed and the movie was playing on. None of you were awake to watch it.

The two of you were snuggled into a comfy blanket, and you were curled up into his chest, and his head rested on your shoulder, both arms around you.

You awoke suddenly, but saw him with a smile of his face. You decided not to move and fell back to sleep.

Seijuro and S/N renter the room, smiling and giggling. They stop in their tracks as they see the two of you.

"And who said tonight would be a waste?"

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