Keep My Secret (Light Yagami x Reader)

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(by -novas

You were an average high school student living in Japan. You recently transferred from America, where you had lived recently. Everything was so different here, in a good way, of course.

Unfortunately, a serial killer had appeared in Japan, but mostly killing criminals. You felt indifferent to it, but it shocked you even more to find out that the killer was possibly in your area of Japan. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home, Y/N?" Your good friend, Light Yagami offers as the two of you stroll down the road. He had been your good friend who offered to help you around and show you the ropes at the highschool.

You smile. "I'm sure, but thank you Light. I'm going the bank to pick something up for my mother, and I think that would bore you." You tease as Light chuckles while brushing the back of his hair and nods.

"I understand." Light pauses in between as he looks back to something with a harsh look. It was strange. "But you'll at least let me walk you to school tomorrow, right?" 

You laugh. "Of course I will!" You glance down at your watch to see that it is getting later at night. You look back up at Light. He waves goodbye as you walk down the sidewalk.

Little did you know, he was still following you.

You enter the bank with a smile, nearly skipping with every step. You hadn't told Light that your mother actually worked at this bank, and that you were staying with her until her shift was over. She didn't trust you being alone with a murderer running around, plus you were in a foreign country you didn't know that well. Better to be safe than sorry. 

Your mother waves to you as you smile and sit down on a chair outside her office. You take out a book and begin reading it. 

It was getting louder in the main room, unusually loud. Suddenly, a woman screams and you drop your book from shock. What was going on? 

You got up from the chair. Wait, no, what were you doing? If there was something life threatening in there, it could kill you! But no, that's selfishness. You decide to go in anyways.

A man with a black mask pulled over his face grips a gun in his right hand. He held it to your mother, who was on the verge of tears. 

"Mom!" You scream, running towards her.

"Y/N." She was choking on her own tears, "No."

The man grins and walks over to you. He holds the gun to your head rather than your mother's. You gasp as tears stream down your cheeks.

"Hand over the money, or the girl is dead." He threatens, pushing the gun closer to you head. You squeeze your eyes shut.

"Mom- no." Is all you could mutter out. The man chuckles.

You open your eyes. The man made some weird straining sound as he drops the gun and clenches his chest. He falls to the ground and stops breathing. 

Everyone in the room stood appalled at the sight. He just- died.

Light came running in, a sign of relief on his face. He rushes up to you and wraps his arms around you tightly. "I was so worried."

What was he worried about? Had Light been watching this whole time? 

"You- saw what happened?" 

Light hugs you tighter. "Yes, I followed you home because I was worried about you. But you're safe now and that's all that matters."

You could help but smile as Light embraces you. You let go. "But what happened to him? It was awfully convenient for him to die right there." 

Light pauses. "I think it may have been Kira." Under Light's worried expression you could see a slight smirk. You shrug it off.

"Why would Kira save my life? I'm grateful to whoever they are." You respond when Light smiles. 

He leans down. "Well that's good because," He begins with a sparkle in his eyes. His voice lowers.

"I am Kira."

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