The Decision (Jean Kirstein x Reader)

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(Written by -novas)

You and Jean snuck out again to meet under the same tree after the day's worth of practice. Luckily, Shadis had never caught you two and could never scold you.

You rest under the tree, your head resting on Jean's chest. He smiles as he wraps his arms around you.

"Why are you so tense?" Jean could obviously feel the stress you had. You two knew each other so well, you could tell if something was wrong from a mile away.

"I'm nervous about what branch I'm going to join. What are you doing, Jean?" You ask him, digging your head into his chest. He jumps, being startled and calms down.

"I think I'm going to join the Military Police. I want to stay as fair away from those Titans as I can." He murmurs, running his hand through his hair.

You glance at the ground. "Oh." You trail off as you look towards the sky.

Jean's heart began to thump in his chest. "Y/N? You can't seriously be thinking about joining the Survey Corps, are you?" Jean's eyes widen with fear as you sigh.

"I need to Jean. Truth is, the people will hate us regardless of what branch we join. I feel like I need to return my thanks to the Survey Corps for saving my parents all of those years back then." You explain. Jean struggles against himself.

Jean pauses and the two of you are left in a silence. Jean holds back his tears as you get up. "I need some time to think to myself. It's not personal, I swear, Y/N." Jean runs off nervously, leaving you by yourself.

Perhaps Jean would treat the situation differently if he knew this may be the last time he could speak to you.


"Y/N, take the right path, I got the left!" One of your fellow trainees shouts at you, and you nod in response. Titans had invaded the Wall, and it was up to you and the others to help defend the civilians.

Your teammate was careless, however, and had greatly miscalculated his actions. He shouts as the Titan snaps the cord and- kills him.

All you wanted right now was to be back with Jean, resting in his warm arms, not caring about Titans or anything like that. You were on a different team than him for today's missions, unfortunately.

You distracted yourself so much that you didn't notice the Titan heading your way. Your moves were random and floundering. The Titan grabs you by your legs and knocks you against the side of a house. You black out as you think your life ends.

Jean meets the others in a building which they had deemed safe. Jean's eyes scan over the remaining members who were paralyzed in fear. He didn't see you anywhere.

"Y/N? Y/N!" Jean shouts with panic in his voice. You were nowhere to be seen, so then you must be- dead. No, Jean refuses to believe that.

"I'm going back out there for Y/N!" Jean announces as he restocks his 3DMG. Connie yells for him to stop, but it was no use.

Jean races through the hoards of Titans, fighting the tears welling in his eyes. He nearly fell as he saw you- or what was left of you, against a wall.

He immediately jumps downwards to help you.

"Y/N..." Jean screams your name with wiping the tears mixed with dirt off of his face.You cough as you barely manage to look back up at him. "Jean..." You murmur back. He gasps.

"Thank goodness you're alright... I don't know what I would do without you." He sobs, deciding not to hug you if you were damaged.

You smile faintly. "Me too."

Jean sighs. "And Y/N?"

You look back up at him with a look of confusion.

"I've decided to join the Survey Corps with you."

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