love and loss

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Deeks POV

When I sat down and unsealed the envelope, I took out the letter and began reading it over in my head and it said

"Marty if your reading this letter then I'm either dead or in danger, you were my first real love and the summer you left for law school I found out that I was pregnant. We had already broken up and you had a bright future ahead of you so i decided to keep the pregnancy to myself. We have a daughter and she's the most amazing human being on the planet. I know this is a lot to take in and a huge request but I need you to look after her for me. All I want is for my daughter to be loved and i know you can give that to her. Marty please take care of our daughter, I only kept her away because I didn't want to ruin your future. Every child should have their father so look after my princess. Forgive me and take good care of our baby girl."

I sat there in complete shock not knowing what to say or do until skylar took the letter from my hands and started reading it over. The expression on her face showed complete shock then she threw it back on my lap and walked away

Hetty: what was in that letter that caused Ms wright to react that way?

I handed hetty the letter and went out for a walk to clear my head when kensi came up to me

Kensi: is everything ok deeks?

No, I mean I don't know. Sarah said that Skylar's my daughter and I know she wouldn't lie about that, its a possibility. Kens she wants me to take care of her and I have no idea how to be someone's parent. How am I supposed to be responsible for another human being when I barely take care of myself properly?

Kensi: everything's going to be fine deeks

Kens i don't know what i'm supposed to say to her, what am I supposed to do?

Kensi: we'll just have to figure it out together, I'm here for you partner

We walked back into the building together and everyone was looking around for skylar who was nowhere to be found

Nell: surveillance cameras show her exiting through the back and hopping into a gray Prius that's nowhere to be found

Hetty: get me everything their is to know on skylar grace west, we need to find this child before the wrong set of people do. She's afraid and confused so start working. I need to know everything

Gibbs: this is two teams so work fast

Nell posted up some pictures of skylar with three girls and a boy, there were countless pictures of them together

Eric: ok these are Skylar's best friends Addison, sofia and Emma, the boy is Carter Parrish he could be a boyfriend, they text basically all day long but nothing romantic just basic small talk. I believe she's with one of the four kids up here or all of them.

Nell: i got something, carter has an older brother who drives a gray Prius and the plates match the one that picked up skylar so my guess is that she's at the Parrish house which is about two miles away. I've sent the address to your phones

We all geared up and drove to the Parrish house breaking every traffic law, when we breached the house skylar was sitting on the couch with the four children and an older man and woman

Gibbs: skylar you can't just run off when there are dangerous people after you. Do you know how dangerous and irresponsible that was?

Skylar: I'm sorry you feel that way, I want you people to leave me alone

Gibbs: your going to be on the first flight to Los Angeles

Skylar: you can't do that. All my friends are here, you can just take me away from my family

Gibbs: its to keep you safe and your mother wanted you to be left with your dad. I'm sorry that you have to leave the people you love but at least you'll be safe

Sofia: I can't believe we're loosing you too, don't be sad . I promise I'll visit you every time we're on break from school and weekends. We all will

The girls all stood there in the longest hug as tears fell down all of their faces, then she stood in front of the boy as he wiped away her tears

Carter: The hardest part is saying goodbye so let's not do that, how about I say I'll see you soon

Skylar: but you won't, I'm pretty sure they won't let me come back

Carter: you know I don't give up that easy. Where you go I'll follow. I have an aunt that lives in Los Angeles and mom did say I could ask for anything, mom I never ask for anything so this one thing should be an easy yes. Let me go with skylar, she needs me now more than ever

His mother looked at him and said "carter I'm not sending you to Los Angeles to be with skylar. I know what I said but you're asking for too much, I love skylar and I know you think you love her but your fifteen years old, go find someone else that lives here in DC"

Carter: you have Michael and I won't be happy here without skylar so why can't you just give me something that I want for a change?

His mom walked over to him and said "carter your not following her to Los Angeles and she has to go so I suggest you speed up the long goodbye. You can visit when the girls visit but that's about it"

Skylar: Goodbye for now

They hugged and he whispered something that made her smile then she pushed her way through us and went into the car, skylar didn't say a word the entire drive back to NCIS and when we arrived she went into the ladies room and stayed in there for a while

To be continued...............

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