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Deeks POV

Its been so amazing these past few years, there's so much I discovered about my life. I learned about my amazing daughter, I married the love of my life and had my beautiful twins with her. My former girlfriend returned from the dead. Let's just say my life had been a whirlwind and most of it was great. My life is finally perfect, my family completes me. Everyone's growing up now but we're still closer than ever. I mean we literally live within walking distance of each other. The twins are now ten years old, Roman's now six and Olivia's five. Things are great with Kens and me. We renewed our vows just yesterday and I love her more and more each day. I couldn't wish for a better life

Kensi's POV

I'm so happy that I followed my heart and took my relationship to the next step with deeks. Marrying him gave me the best stepdaughter and my two little munchkins who's both growing up so fast. When I look at my husband all I feel is complete joy and happiness. I love that man so much and loving him was the best choice I've ever made. We've been through so much together and having him always by my side is more than enough for me. Because I loved him I have a family and so many incredible friends. I've never believed in soulmates until I met him, I know I'll love him until the rest of me. Shaggy is everything I've ever wanted in a man. He's my little bit of perfect, they all are.

Sarah's POV

Coming back to my family has been amazing. I have my son michael who's eleven years old and my daughter's are almost twenty four years old. I have roman and Olivia my two loves aside from my amazing husband. Callen and I are really happy together and things are so good for us

Amber's POV

What can I say? Loosing my little girl was painful and I'm still hurt. Emma finally moved back home but she's in her own place five minutes away with her little girl Addison who's two months old. She decided to be a single mom because she didn't think her ex boyfriend was ready for a baby, sofia and skylar helps her out as much as possible because she tries being a mom and dad to Addison. We're finally happy together. Our family's not perfect, no family's perfect but we're happy and we love and care about each other. I couldn't have asked for a better bunch of people to call my family and I thank God everyday for the many blessings he's given me

I'd like to thank everyone for reading this story, its been fun writing but I think this is where the story ends. I think I'm going to cancel the sequel and I'm currently working on a new densi love story. Its really about the entire team and its called love conquers all its a really nice story that I think you'd all love


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