Home sweet Home

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Deeks POV

When kensi and I arrived home we played with out twins for a few hours then we started preparing dinner for tonight. Since I know everyone likes meat I decided to go with t bone steaks, mashed potatoes, salad and a few dirinks. After a while the team arrived and we all sat at the table to enjoy dinner together when sofia and skylar unexpectedly arrived

Sofia: we're home

Skylar: hi guys. Were we missed?

We needed our babysitters. How was Washington?

Sofia: It was fun. We're going to bed, long flight so we're tired

The girls took their bags into Skylar's room where they were actually quiet

Kensi: something's wrong with those girls. Their quiet and I wasn't buying that the trip was fun

Maybe their just tired like they said. Their probably asleep

Kensi: those two wild girls have more energy than all of us combined and their home a week early but for now I'll enjoy the quiet.

Just as kensi said that we heard the twins crying but to our surprise the girls went and got them which never happens. Over the monitor we hears them singing lullabies to the twins

Kensi: ok their actually being helpful and sweet. We should send them to Washington more often

Sam: does sofia stay here often?

She basically lives with us and we don't mind because once her and skylar are together their at their best and amber told us to keep her, they live right next door so they spend the day there and sleep over here. How are you on the whole sofia and Aiden thing?

Sam: she's the coolest kid ever, but he likes her way more than she likes him. She's just not that into him

Sofia's a complicated girl, she won't show how she feels until she's sure she wants that. She reminds me of kensi, they hate showing emotions

Kensi: that is so not true, not entirely true. A little true but with good reason. You don't go around trusting everyone, that's why I love that kid and she won't be ok with us discussing her

Kensi's POV

After our dinner hetty and granger left while we were sitting in the living room watching the game over a few beers when the girls joined us.

Skylar: daddy is it too late for sofia and I to go out to a movie?

Deeks: Yes its too late, its after midnight and our game is in overtime so be quiet for a few more minutes

Are the twins sleeping?

Sofia: yeah, after we fed them and changed them the went back to sleep. I was wondering if we could talk for a minute. It won't be long

I walked into Skylar's room with the girls and sat with them on the bed then sofia said: kensi I know your aware that I've been dating Aiden for a while and I'm starting to really like him but he's away a lot and when he leaves I miss him so much

What's the point? She replied "how do you know when your in love?" That question caught me off guard and I spentna while trying to think of the right answer Then I said: ypou know you love someone when their all you think about, when being with them makes you a better person. Love is a complicated emotion and it takes time to know when your there

Sofia: he told me that he loves me and I was speechless then he said "I didn't say I love you to hear it back, I said it to make sure you knew" it was so sweet but I still didn't say it back, instead I said ok. What do you think is wrong with me? My last boyfriend hurt me so much that I didn't even want to give anyone else a chance and Aiden came along and he's the perfect. It took me forever to agree to go out with him and even longer to actually give him a real change and now things are good and I know I love him. She went quiet then i said "you didn't even need my advice when you already know how yo feel, you should trust your heart. He might turn out to be your perfect guy" she replied: he's already perfect and mom actually likes him so I should stick with this one

Yeah, you should. Sam thinks he likes you a lot so you have a good thing going. Skylar do you want to tell me what's wrong?

Skylar: nope

Sofia: sky she's good to talk to now

Skylar: carter and I had our first fight and it was over something so stupid. I hate saying I'm sorry so what should I do? He said he wants to talk face to face so we can get back to being happy. I get a little jealous sometimes and he knows that. I trust him but I got so mad

I get it. I'm selfish when it comes to deeks and I go on the defensive when someone tries to mess with that. Jealousy is sometimes an involuntary emotion, but girls are always all over your boyfriend so you should be used to it

Skylar: I don't like the idea of other girls flirting with him and its like they try harder when I'm right there but i will learn to be the bigger person. I just had to have a sweet and gorgeous boyfriend. Carter loves me so ignoring those girls seem like the right choice. Sofia never has this problem when aiden's gorgeous himself

Sofia:you could look at me and see that I'm not the one to mess with. Seriously if you didn't know me would you do something to piss me off on purpose? They flirt when I'm not there, you found a perfect boy who'd die for you and your always looking for a flaw. I told you to enjoy him, I know I would

This conversation is getting too out there for me so before you say anything else I'm still your mom

Skylar: she doesn't mean like that. We're committed on staying virgins until we're married. Its the right way to do things

You girls say whatever we want to hear. If you don't make it that far at least wait until your responsible for yourselves and able to make smart choices because every action has a reaction

Skylar: you sound like such a mom saying that. We may be wild and sometimes crazy but we're teenagers, that's what we do. Sofia and I are also very responsible and would never go that far with our boyfriends and carter already told me that's not happening any time soon. I think those long talks he has with daddy has something to do with that

Speaking of deeks, I should go ask who won the game. We should talk more often. I like this

Skylar: we do too

We all went back into the living room where the guys were caught up in their own conversations arguing over the game

Deeks: are you girls done being sad now?

Sofia: that wasn't us sad, you wouldn't understand because your not a girl even though you whine like one

Sam: I like this kid, she's funny. We had a great time tonight and we will see you guys on Monday

We'll see you all tomorrow at our beach picnic. Bring the entire family because it will be fun to spend our holiday weekend relaxing with our family

Sofia: if you can't come send Aiden and we'll be good

Sam: I bet you would be. Goodnight guys

We waved goodbye to the team and went to bed where I buried my head in my husband's chest while he held me and we drifted off to sleep

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