The proposal

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Deeks POV

We walked into the bullpen to find skylar with ear buds in singing very loudly to one of her favorite songs by Ariana Grande called break your heart right back while she researched a school project on my laptop

Kensi: your a little loud sky

Skylar: can I burrow your car?

No, you don't even have a lisence and don't you have a project to complete today?

Skylar: I'm done, I was doing online dress shopping. My closet's looking empty after I gave away all of last season's outfits. What did you need to talk about?

We can do that later. How was your movie date?

Skylar: I'm going to need you to stop hanging out with carter. That's not normal and your getting into his head which affects our relationship so stop it

That's not weird

Skylar: if you like him I won't like him.....................I see what your doing here. You want me to not like him anymore. I'm too smart for reverse psychology and I'm not planning on ending a two year relationship over you. I loved him first and I'm fine with kensi and I don't hang out with her

At first that's what I was trying to do bit it wasn't bothering you and I realized that he's a good kid so we have fun together and he said he needed someone to hang out with after his dad died. We don't discuss you or your relationship

Skylar: well I guess that's ok

What happened on your date?

Skylar: nothing interesting. I'm going to play with the computers up in ops since I have to spend the rest of my day here

She went up the stairs and into ops the her cell phone kept ringing to a Selena Gomez song called "the heart wants what it wants" over and over again and there was a picture of her and carter

Hetty: could someone please get that?

I picked up the phone and answered it

* D means deeks and C means carter*

D: hello

C: hi Mr Deeks, is sky there?

D: she's a little busy right now

C: could you let her know that I really need to talk to her

Just as I was about to respond she came down and took her phone out of my hand and said "dad please stop touching my stuff"

Your boyfriend says he really needs to talk to you

Skylar: well that's too bad

She turned her phone off and went back upstairs

Kensi: what was that about?

I have no idea. Its five o'clock so dinner?

Kensi: sure but shouldn't you get skylar?

She's going to come home later. Hetty will bring her, they have stuff to talk about

I took kensi home where we showered and changes then we made it to our seven o'clock reservation to Giorgio baldi where we spent our evening enjoying everything from the white truffle menu then the band started to sing our song which was a drop in the ocean by Ron pope and I got down on one knee and finally did it, I said " Kens I love you so much, your the reason I walk around smiling everyday. I believe in having a soulmate and I know your mine so would you make me the happiest man alive and marry me." She was in complete shock for a minute and every second I stood there waiting it was nerve wrecking until she passionately kissed me and I said "I'll take that as a yes" and she replied " YES" at that moment I was happier than I've ever been. I had an amazing daughter an equally amazing fiancée that was about to give me another child. It felt so amazing and we were both so happy. After dinner instead of going home kensi and I went to a hotel where I had the room set up with chocolate covered strawberries, red roses and her favorite champagne chateau de kim

Kensi: wow! You were really prepared for me to say yes. I wish I could have a glass of champagne right now

Sorry about that, I've been planning this proposal for the past few months so I had no idea you were pregnant but I called and asked them to bring up some apple cider for you and since you can't have champagne I won't have any either. I had something else in mind anyway

We both smiled and I took her to the bed where we started kissing, I kissed every inch of her neck and made my way back up to ker lips. Thing heated up pretty fast like always and before we knew it we were both completely naked as I passionately made love to her. We spent the entire night with our bodies pressed together heated and making love slowly and she ended up falling asleep lying on my chest. It was the perfect night spent with my perfect woman

*The next morning*

Kensi's POV

I woke up still completely naked from the night before with my head on deeks chest. It was so perfect, then he kissed my forehead and said "fern we have to get home, hetty wasn't supposed to sleep over with sky so I know she'll be upset"

I think she'll be fine, she hasn't called yet so she must be having a good time with skylar and we need to enjoy this

Deeks: your right fern

I punched him in the arm and said: don't cal me fern, then we ordered room service and enjoyed breakfast in bed. After breakfast we continued what we started last night if you know what I mean, then we showered together and got dressed and he drove us home. We arrived at the house and walked in to meet skylar and carter asleep together on the couch while hetty sat on the other side watching a movie

Hetty: how nice of you to join us Mr Deeks

Deeks: Hetty I'm so sorry, I got caught up in the moment last night and completely lost track of time

Hetty: I see she said yes, congratulations to you both

Thank you hetty and thanks for watching skylar, we really appreciated that

Deeks wokwe skylar and carter then turned to carter and said "carter its after nine in the morning, why are you in my house?"

Hetty: he came over last night to speak with skylar and they fell asleep watching a movie together. I called his aunt to let her know that he's ok and they got up early and went jogging then showered and fell asleep on the couch a second time. It must be a really comfortabnle couch

Skylar: here's the million dollar question, what did you do last night? Aside from getting engaged, why didn't you make it home?

You want to know too much. Shouldn't you be at school?

Carter: its saturday

Skylar: what did you want to talk about yesterday? I've been waiting up for you

Deeks: kensi and I are having a baby

Skylar: I thought you said you'd include me in a decision like that

We would have, skylar skylar this baby wasn't planned. Thing as just happen sometimes, are you ok with a new kid coming?

Skylar: I guess I knew you'd want to be a mom eventually, but I love what we have. Your like my mom and once you have your own baby where does that leave you and me?

Sweetie this baby can only bring us closer. I love you and you may not be my biological daughter but you made me a mom the second you came into our lives, nobody will ever change our relationship

I sat beside her and gave her a hug and said "nobody can ever replace you, I love you too much to let that happen" she returned the hug and said "I love you too mom" this was the first time she's ever called me mom and being so hormonal it made me cry a little

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