The Hunt

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Amber's POV

I turned around to see my husband who I last saw nine months ago when he went off on assignment. Xavier is a navy seal so he's away a lot and before leaving he made me upset so I guess you could say I wasn't over it so soon

Sofia: daddy your home

Go where I sent you girls

Xavier: I'll come to you in a few minutes

The girls left and Xavier stood in front of me

Hetty: everyone this is commander xavier west, commander these are agents Hanna, callen, Blye and detective deeks and our intelligence analysts Ms Jones and Mr Beale

Xavier: its a pleasure to meet you all. Sam its good to see you

Sam: a what did you do to piss off your wife again?

Xavier: That was nine months ago. I forgot our anaversary, she is not a forgiving woman

Sam: some things never change

Xavier: it was year 20 so forgetting that was not the smartest thing to do

Sam: she's not even thirty five, twenty years xavier?

Xavier : we were together since we were fifteen years old, its been forever

So there's someone out there determined to kill our daughters and you two are taking a trip down memory lane? Shut up, both of you and start working on finding the Jameson Wilson

Xavier: where's the kid? Carter

He's working on something with all the evidence we gathered on Wilson in the past year. We need to find this guy today

Xavier: I'm going to start working on that because finding him would make you happy

Stop talking and start working on it. I'm going to all to speak with those girls. Don't get in Carter's way

Kensi's POV

I admired how agent west takes control of tough situations and it takes balkls to tell sam when to shut up. We were working all day long and finally caught a break. Carter predicted that Jameson would want to finish off skylar and we caught video of him hanging around her dance school so we all grabbed our gear and went sppeding to the location. We were all standing by our cars loading our guns and putting on our vests when four men with machine guns started shooting at us. I felt a a hot piercing pain and dropped to the floor. It felt like the room went blurry and everything went dark

Deeks POV

I was firing at the men with everyone when kensi went down, here was so much blood so I rushed over to her and started putting pressure on her wounds. We called for an ambulance but they were still shooting at us and had us boxed in. Kensi's pulse was getting weaker and weaker so everyone just stood up on the count of three and shot at the four men who went down but not before hitting amber in the shoulder

Amber: I'm fine xavier, but she needs medical attention

The paramedics rushed over to us and amber and I rode along with kensi to the hospital. When we got there kensi was rushed into surgery while they tended to Amber's wound. The team arrived with the girls and we all sat in the waiting room

Xavier: amber you should stay the night, you lost a lot of blood and you have a concussion

Amber: I'm fine. We finally got our guy but I hope kensi makes it in there. Me catching Wilson isn't worth her dying

Skylar: she won't die, she just can't

Kensi's going to be fine, she's a tough girl

Just then kensi's mom entered the room and hetty spent anmfew minutes explaining the situation to her, then she sat beside skylar and me

Julia: defective it's good seeing you again, I wish the circumstances were better

So do I julia this is my daughter skylar, sky this is kensi's mom

Skylar: its nice to meet you

Julia: its nice to meet you too syklar. How long has my daughter been in there?

Two hours

Hetty: were going to head home for the night. If she gets out of surgery she won't be awake

Yeah, I'm still going to stay with her and make sure she's good. Skylar you have to go to school so go with amber

Skylar: I'll still go to school, I want to stay here with you dad. Xavier said he'll pick me up around six thirty and I can go home and get ready form school to be there for nine. I want to stay Dad

Xavier are you sure you want to go through all the trouble?

Xavier: yeah, she really wants to make sure kensi is ok so I'd be happy to come back for her. I'll be here at six thirty skylar

Skylar: I'll be ready

Sofia: do you need company? We'll stay with you

Skylar: its ok, we're going to have a sleepover tomorrow. Dad said its ok

Addison: Alight, bye sky

Skylar: bye

The girls left with the team and their parents and I sat with skylar and kensi's mom for another three hours then the doctor led us into her room where she was sleeping peacefully

Julia: the doctor said she should be up in a few hours. Skylar your tired so sleep on the couch over there

Sky I called xavier and told him that your going to stay home tomorrow. You've had a rough day and you need to rest. Go sleep princess

Sky fell asleep next to julia on the couch and I sat with kensi holding her hand

Kensi: I can feel you staring at me and now your smiling

Of course I'm smiling, I'm so happy your ok fern, the thought that I might loose you made me realize how much I love you. I know we just made our thing official but I need you to know how I feel. I love you Kens

Kensi: I love you too

I leaned over and we started kissing, then she asked me to lay with her so I did and we fell asleep together

Their hasn't been a lot of densi moments so far but the next few chapters will involve a lot more densi scenes. Thanmnks for reading

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