Merry Christmas

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Sofia's POV

After dinner when the team went back to talk in the living room I walked outside with Aiden so we could discuss a few things. He stood there and I looked him in the eyes and asked "what are we?"

Aiden: what do you mean?

I mean what I said. Tell me what we are because at this point its not a relationship anymore so what is it? You go back to school in a few weeks and before you leave I need to know where I stand with you

Aiden: sofia I love you and I want us to be together. I know its hard with me being caught up with school so much but bare with me. I'm going to love you no matter what you think we are and I know things have been rough but oim trying because all I want is to make you happy even though your leaving soon

What happens then? What will we be when I leave?

Aiden: we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. I won be the one to give up on us. I love you too much to even tink about letting go and I know you love me just as much

I do

We went back inside to see my parents and sisters along with tony and Ziva from the NCIS Washington team and I gave them a hug

Amber: wow! You haven't been a brunette for three years now. Your haoir is always random colors but koastly blonde and look at you, no contacts. Ypou truly are a very beautiful girl

I know right, I mean thanks mom and I thought you were vacationing

Amber: we thought about it but then we decided to surprise you girls with two of your favorite people. I know how much you miss your aunt especially this time of year and we'd always have Christmas with tony and Ziva so I thought having them here would help

Skylar: it does, today was tough especially when I keep hearing her favorite Christmas song play on the radio. I remembered all the nights we would be up late all through the house singing that song and mostly messing around making no sense but it was fun

Deeks: is that the reason you needed to disappear this morning? I would have understood

Skylar: i didn't think you would. Its been a while since she's been gone but the bond we had will last forever. Its been two years and it feels like it was just yesterday for me. I won't ever be over loosing her but I have to accept it and days like this its really hard because I really miss her

Deeks: I'll always understand that. I know it still hurts and you can talk to me. Don't just disappear on us

Skylar: I won't anymore. Your actually not terrible giving advice so we could talk, I don't want things to change between us so how about you let kensi be the bad guy when it comes to punishments. It will be different coming from her

Kensi: why do I always have to be the one to say no?

Skylar: that's a mom thing. He's really unfair when it comes to how long I'm grounded too so I know if  I made daddy mad then I must have really screwed up big time which I kind of did. Good thing aunt amber wasn't around. I would probably be grounded until its time for me to leave for college

Amber: what did you do?

Skylar: basically disappeared for a few hours, nothing major but I wasn't far

Amber: me knowing why you needed to escape I would have let it go. If it were under any other circumstances you'd be grounded until your kids had kids

Skylar: I bet. This celebration is kind of dull, hetty do you have a piano?

Hetty: its behind you, I thought you'd noticed it in that mirror you keep looking in

Skylar: alright sofia let's celebrate Christmas the usual way. Sing us a song

O holy night. Can you believe michelle thinks I can't sing because I let you have your moment on halloween night?

Skylar: you did have a sore throat then but we still sounded great. You have your moment to shine so hit these notes and entertain us

Let me change into something more comfortable first

Michelle: I think you should sing first, let's see what you got Sofia. I hear your quite talented but like they say seeing is believing

I love when people have no faith in me, all the more reason to shut them up. Go ahead skylar

Skylar started playing the piano as I took a sip of my water then I sang my lungs out to Marian carey's version of O holy night being sure to hit all those high notes to prove michelle wrong and they all applause except skylar and mom

Was that not good?

Amber: Marian Carey has nothing on you but I figured since michelle thinks you can't sing you would have showed off like always. You  did take the notes extra high but you sing opera I've heard you done better

Doctor Carson said not to stress my vocal cords too much because I have the laser surgery in too weeks

Skylar: that's why you shouldn't sing at all. You'll make it worse

No I won't, I'm not even sure I want the stupid surgery. My voice can still go as high as I want it to and when I think of not being able to talk for like fifteen days it will suck

Skylar: not being able to sing opera will suck even more and think of it this way. I'm pretty sure amber will have Emma and Addison do whatever you want them to do so fifteen days of having to sister servants

Aren't you supposed to get your tonsils removed around the same time? Your of doing it are you?

Skylar: that's different. The doctor said I may not be able to sing again so if dealing with the irritant of my tonsils keeps my beautiful voice I'll deal

Your chance is under fifty percent and mine is about that so how about we do this together? Its always been you and me against the world aeither way we'll still be extremely beautiful and singing is not our only talent

Skylar: together we can conquer anything so we can do this.

Skylar and I went and changed into our Christmas themed pajamas anreturned downstairs to liven up tuye party buy dancing around singing our favorite Christmas songs while everyone was laughing and enjoying the night. We all ended up falling asleep around two or three on the morning after an incredible Christmas. The best oive had since aunt Sarah died and it was with the people I loved most, my family. I couldn't have wished for a better nigght

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