welcome to the family

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Kensi's POV

Its been a whirlwind of excitmen within the past three months, the team caught Skylar's stalker who turned out to be just an average middle age man with a crush on my now fifteen year old daughter. I'm nine months pregnant and I want so badly for this baby to come, he's been kicking like crazy and it feels like he sitting on my bladder because I have to pee every ten seconds. Even with all the pregnancy stress and hormones I'm happier than ever. I wake up everyday next to the man I love and we have this amazing kid that actually loves spending time with us and another on the way. Today I've been feeling sharp pains every so often but its probably braxton hicks contractions again so I didn't mention it to deeks, he tends to freak out. We both got dressed for work and he dropped me off in ops while he went to finish his case. I took my time walking up the stairs, then I sat with Eric and Nell

Nell: good morning kensi, how are you feeling today?

Same as everyday, fine. Your awfully happy today nell, what's going on with you?

Nell: nothing, I'm just being my usual self. Kens it looks like your not feeling so well

I'm fine, it as just a little pain but its fine. What should I start working on?

Eric: the boys are already working a case and nell is going with deeks so it will be just you and me today. Your computer skills are average so you can just sit there and wait for a hit on colidescope

So basically I sit here and do nothing all day long again

Eric: hetty said not to work you too hard. Kensi your nine months pregnant, you should be at home waiting for this baby to come

I don't like sitting around in the house all day long. Skylar has school and a lot of after school activities and deeks is at work so its just monty and me. It gets boring fast and...................oh my God!

I felt another sharp pain and held my stomach, that's when it happened. My water broke right there in ops

Nell: oh my God kensi!! I can handle this, eric you call deeks while I take kensi to the hospital

Nell drove me to the hospital as fast as she could and we were met by deeks, sam and Callen. I want into the delivery room with deeks by my inside and the doctor told me I was only five centimeters so we waited for a few hours

Deeks: do you need me to get you anything?

I'm ok, i just need you to be here. Did you leave in the middle of an undercover operation to be here with me?

Deeks: I couldn't miss the birth of my son. I already missed too much with my daughter and I wanted to be here for you

Your sweet. I feel so much better with you here holding my hand. You make me feel safe

Deeks: I'm glad I could help

After hours of waiting and and feeling painful contractions it was finally time to push. I squeezed on to deeks hand as the doctor told me to push and I gave birth to a healthy six pound eleven ounce baby boy. Thats when the doctor said there's another one which had the three of us in shock. After the baby boy came a little girl we were all cleaned up we went into a recovery room.

Deeks: the guys said their going to let you rest up for a few days. They had a peek at the baby when he was in the nursery a while ago, but they have no idea we had two so they'll have a little surprise themselves

Two babies deeks? How are we going to handle this?

Deeks: Together we can do anything. You and me, we also have a live in babysitter and sofia never leaves so her too. We can handle this fern, but frst lets give them names. What are you thinking about?

I think we should go with names that don't rhyme too much because some kids hate that. What name died you pick for our son?

Deeks: I like Brandon Martin Deeks for our son and you can pick our little angel's name. Do you have something in mind?

Bella Marie Deeks. Brandon and Bella, its cute and i love it. Do you think sky will like it?

Deeks: its no Daniel but I think she'll live these names, she texted Mr a hundred times asking for pictures which i couldn't take at the moment. As soon as school ends she'll be right by your side. She said to tell you that she loves you and she's happy to know you had a safe delivery. I didn't get a chance to tell her about her little sister as yet

She'll be so surprised

I spent two days in the hospital then we took our twins home, for the first week I started inside with my two newborn babies and my loving fiancé, but today I've decided to make a surprise visit to ops with the twins. Its a Saturday so everyone should be there filing case reports. I got up and got !myself and !y babies ready then deeks drove all of us down to work and skylar gave me a hand with the babies. As we walked inside the bullpen our coworkers who are more of a family came and greeted us and our two little bundles of joy

Callen: Kens you had twins and didn't mention it? We called everyday

I wanted it to be a surprise, deeks and I has no idea we were expecting two babies so little Bella here was our nice surprise

Sam: can I hold her?


We handed our new babies off to the team and they spent the day playing with the twins while we talked about the joys and challenges of parenthood. Its so great having a family like ours even if we're slightly dysfunctional. We had an amazing day just getting along in peace and harmony until I got a phone call that changed everything

Deeks: who was that yelling at you?

That was our mothers, we forgot to mention this to them but they said they should be yelling at you

Deeks: they went on a cruise together and didn't arrive until early this morning. We're having dinner at your mom's house later and I figured I'd tell them then but they still won't understand

Their difficult women but you'll survive. They'll be waiting at our house when we get home later. I figured I'd give you a heads up. I'm going to talk to hetty for a minute, make sure you feed the twins and skylar please stop testing while your holding your brother

She handed the baby to deeks and said "Is that better? This is a very important conversation I'm having with Sofia who's sleeping over tonight if your good with that."

Deeks: when does she not sleep over?

Skylar: daddy since you'll eventually need another room for Bella and you like living near the beach I found a nice house for sale. It has five bedrooms four bathrooms, its right next to the beach and closer to my school. If you two put your savings together you can afford it because for you I got the price dropped

Deeks: that actually sounds like a great idea, with you there's always a catch so what is it?

Skylar: no catch. I saw a nice house for sale that I'd like to live in and if I went and bought it with my own money and not tell you guys you'd be upset

Callen: you have enough money to buy your own house?

Skylar: my mother worked seven days a week and had the highest security clearance. The woman had diplomatic status and was close friends with the president so she had money and lots of it. She left me two houses four cars a ychat and enough money to fund a small country. Dad said I shouldn't buy big things without his approval after I bought an apartment complex last month. Sofia's my only sister and since we were little we would be joint at the hip so that's why she stays over so much

Deeks: she's not your only sister

Skylar: yeai said I was fine with having a little brother. Bella was a nice surprise for you but not me. I don't need some baby replacing me and she's cute which makes it worse. Things have already changed and I don't like it

To be continued........................................

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