work day

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Kensi's POV

I slept over at deeks place after dinner with the team last night, nothing happened besides two adults sharing a bed. When I woke up he already had breakfast made so I joined them at the table

Skylar: daddy I've been thinking and I decided to go to the father daughter dance on Saturday and I wanted to know if you'd go with me. If your busy I could skip it

Deeks: I've been wanting to spent more time with you since you got here so of course I'll go with you. It sounds like a lot of fun

Skylar: it will be, Carter's aunt is waiting outside so I have to go to school and after school we can go shopping for a dress

Deeks: its Monday and the dance is Saturday so how about you wait until your friends arrive on Friday and make it a girls thing?

Skylar: Friday is too last minute, kensi would you go with me?

Sure, I'll pick you up after school so we can go straight to the mall

Skylar: I have soccer and swim practice so I'll be done around four thirty, thank you both and I don't want to be late for school so bye

She gave deeks a hug then left, he got dressed for work then took me to my place so I could get dressed and we went into work together about thirty minutes late

Callen: long night?

It was late so I slept over at deeks place and he had to take me home to get ready for work so I was the hold up this morning

Sam: I didn't notice a third bedroom so where did you sleep?

On the couch. If your done with this mini interrogation I'd like to get to work

He held his hands up in defense and deeks and I took our seats doing paperwork for the first few hours of the day until we heard a whistle from Eric who stood at the top of the stairs

Eric: case on deck

We all went upstairs into ops and Nell started to brief us

Nell: at 9am this morning there was a shooting at Harvard-westlake school

Deeks: What? That's where skylar goes

Nell: really? The school fee is more than expensive, not important. Eric found a video of the incident

Nell put the video up on the big screen and we watched


There was skylar and her friends who came early and a masked man walked close to he girls and started firing but the girls all ran and it looked like one of them were bleeding

*end of video*

Why were the girls targeted? They wasn't even supposed to come until Friday and where are they now?

Nell: in the wind, their smart girls so they ditched their cell phones and are avoiding all street cameras so I can't find them anywhere

At that moment deeks cell rang and he put it on speaker

*the call*

Skylar: daddy?

Deeks: I'm here, where are you?

Skylar: outside, I figured home wouldn't be a smart choice since someone just tried to kill me this morning. Could you let us in, sofia's bleeding

Deeks: I'll be right there

Deeks hung up and we all went down into the bullpen as the girls entered, sam gave Sofia a few stitches then they sat down

For girls who just almost died your very calm

Sofia: that's not the first time we've been shot at so the whole being scared thing is over with. I know who the shooter is so you can stop trying to find him. Call my mom and she'll give you the story on that

Hetty: we already informed your parents that your safe so start talking

Sofia: I watched a man kill the former SecNav and now he's after me because I'm the only witness or so he thought. We were all there and I think he figured that out since he's trying to kill us all. Mom was on her way to warn you, we were not supposed to leave the house but we had to go for skylar because mom couldn't get through to anyone. It was stupid but that's our sister, could you give us a warning before mother comes in

Amber: too late, I went for skylar myself and saw the girls I told not to leave the house for any reason. You could have gotten yourselves killed out there. It was a stupid decision, but I understand. Next time I give a direct order I expect you all to listen

She gave them all their cell phones

Addison: mom where's carter?

Amber: in the break room. Are you girls ok?

Emma: we're good mom, when Emma called her mom as well I asked are their all your daughters?

Amber: yeah. Their all the same age, I adopted both Emma and Addison when they were a week old and at the time sofia was only three months so I had three baby girls that I adore, my twins and sofia. I kept skylar most of the time as well, her mom spent a lot of time overseas

Sam: I have a new lkind of respect for you, raising one baby is hard but three.

Amber: it was only tough when one got sick, they would pass on ear infections and colds back and fourth but their not kids who get into trouble. Well I'll speak for my twins, sofia likes trouble and so does skylar. Those two together were so bad, they were like two boys from age one to ten when they started behaving like nice young ladies. I had them play soccer if they enjoyed running around in dirt

Callen: those princesses?

Amber: those princesses were tough a long time ago

Sofia: I'm still tough

Amber: Your soft and its fine because your not obligated to protect yourselves, that's my job. I'm going to find the man after you by the end of the day

Nell: that's impossible, the search will take days to track him alone and finding a direct location is hard

Amber: I don't search I hunt and trust me, I'll find the stupid son of a bitch who took a shot at my girls today. Girls go sit in the empty office down the hall

Sofia: why do you need carter?

Amber: he's useful with his dad being an FBI profiler he's helping me build a profile on Jameson Wilson. He's the reason you skylar dead right now, carter predicted his next move

Skylar: what are we supposed to do all day?

Amber: I don't know, braid each other's hair and talk about your feelings, whatever you girls usually and if you leave that room it better be a life or death emergency or it will be when I'm done with you. Have a wonderful time and don't tweet about this

We all heard a voice approaching and it made the girls smile but it looked like this person pissed amber off even more

Mini cliffhanger, who's the mysterious stranger?

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