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Kensi's POV

I walked into the ladies room and saw skylar curled up on the floor crying so I went and sat beside her to comfort her but she just pushed me away then got up and washed her face. The team is now back in Los Angeles with skylar who was staying with deeks and he says she just staying bed all day crying for her mom. Its already been a month so I decided to go over to his place to see if I could help. When I got there she was curled up on the couch so I went beside her and said "skylar I know what it feels like loosing a parent, especially kone who was your everything. When I was fifteen my dad was killed in a car crash and it was the worst pain I've ever felt so I know how bad your hurting and I just want to help"

Skylar: its not just mom, I feel like I lost everyone that day. Carter's mom said we don't know what love is but I know I loved him and I still do, it hurts so bad and mom would be great at this stuff but I lost her too. I feel like I'm not lopiving I'm existing and it hurts everyday, every second of the day. I lost everything all at once so the pain and heartache is bad right now

I wish I could make it all go away but its not that simple. Skylar if you ever want to start feeling any better you have to start by getting up

Skylar: he loves you too you know

What are you talking about?

Skylar: my dad, I know you love him and he loves you too. He's a really nice person and I think he deserves to be happy so one of you has to make the first move. He's afraid you won't feel the same so you should go for it

Where is he? I haven't seen him since I got here

Skylar: he went out, he texted five minutes ago saying he's on his way back so he'll be here soon

A few minutes later deeks walked in with carter following

Skylar: carter?

Deeks: I thought you'd like an old friend to keep you company today. I know how much you've missed your firiends and your mom so I hope this helps, he'll be living with his aunt who only lives two blocks away

Skylar: thank you so much for doing this daddy

She got up and gave deeks a hug then went and got dressed then left with carter and I sat next to deeks on the couch

Deeks: she was so happy, I've never seen her happy and she called me daddy, that's so amazing

You did good today, she missed her boyfriend so having him here will help her and I know you don't want her dating but you got him anyway so your a good dad

Deeks: Kens you've been a great help to me and I don't know how to thank you for that. You and me we've had this unspoken thing and I want to know where you are on that. Beforeskylar moved in we'd spend most nights together and we did take things further before Afghanistan,. I just want to know where we stand

Deeks was finally trying to communicate with me and I completely zoned out looking into his eyes, at this point our faces were inches apart and I leaned forward and kissed him, he was surprised at first then we continued kissing. Things heated up pretty quickly between us and I didn't mind at all he started kissing my neck then he unbuttoned my top and I took of his shirt while we continued kissing, he had just started to take off my pants when we were interrupted by Skylar's coughing

Skylar: Carter and I were going to hang out in my room but I'll just find anywhere else to be

Its fine if you hang out in your room skylar

Skylar: its really not so if you would just hand me my phone I'll leave

Deeks and I got properly dressed and I handed Skylar her phone

Skylar: ok so that's about it, I will be back around midnight or so

Deeks: its eight o'clock in the morning and your fourteen years old, your lucky your allowed to date so don't push it. Be home before the street lights come on, hours before

Skylar: I'll be back around noon and you two need to get a room, I have to sit on that couch you know

Deeks: go before I change my mind and I want to really get to know that boy better so invite him over for dinner

Skylar: daddy tonight is when your having all your work friends over for dinner, it will be awkward

Deeks: that's where we can find out what everyone else thinks all at once, it will be fun

Skylar: fine

She picked up her jacket and cell phone and left, at this point for me the mood was kind of ruined so deeks and I decided to talk before taking things any further

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