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Nell's POV

I'm laying in bed literally shaking. My body felt cold as ice bit Eric said I had a very high fever. He tried to break my fever following the doctor's advice over the phone and it worked, I then fell back to sleep wrapped up in his arms. Throughout this pregnancy it's been easy, I love how excited Eric gets when we have doctor's appointments it warms my heart to see the big smile on his face when we get to see our little angel in black and white on a monitor

Eric: Good morning beautiful

Don't you have to be at work? Eric its after eleven I'm the morning

Eric: I'm not leaving you while your sick, I know you can take care of yourself but it doesn't mean you have to. I told hetty I need to be with you and she understands so she has any from the washington team coming down to help while I'm here with you. She should already be there. You still gave a slightl fever

Eric woke up scarred last night, I had a nightmare and kensi said she was spending the day with me today so you'll be a third wheel. We need girl time, he replied saying "I'm going to stay a whole if you don't mind" before I could object to his need to babysit me we both went downstairs and he let kensi in along with her twins who were hiding behind their mom

Kensi: I brought the ice cream you wanted. She handed me the bag and we invited them in and sat on the couch.

Why are they doing that? I know their a little shy but their literally latched on to you

Kensi: I have no idea what's going on with these two but don't mind them their fine. What's going on with you?

I was feeling some unbearable pain oin my stomach yesterday but I'm fine now. You look even more worried than eric so I take it this is about deeks

Kensi: I'm fine and fully focused on you

I'm an intelligence analyst kensi and every time your worried apbnout him you play with your wedding ring. Its sometimes adorable how much you two love each other. He's going too be fine, he promised you that he would come home safe

Kensi: he promised to come back alive and how do I know if he's alive when he doesn't reach out? Everyone thinks he's fine but I know something's wrong. Yesterday o got a bad feeling and I just wanted dhim to call but nothing. I've been looking into this case he's assigned to and that Rafael character is a really dangerous man

Their always dangerous and its ok to be afraid. You love him and you want him to be ok. I think deeks is fine but if you don't then the worry won't go away. Trust that he can handle things on his own

Kensi: your right, I'm going to stop worrying so much and trust that he can handle things. Let's get started on our girls day so Eric you can get going, I can handle this

Eric: I don't think I should leave her

Kensi: your worried that she's sick but I'm here to take care not her until you get back. Don't you trust me?

Eric: of course I trust you, your like a very abusive sister that I love but how can I focus on work when she doesn't feel well

Kensi: that's how I feel about the girls, they were burning up last night, and their fevers were so I I was about to take them to the hospital when they decided to make cold showered which caused their body temperatures to drop immediately causing a seizure. The doctor said when you fever is really high you can use hot water for cold water, it has to be room temperature. I was really sacred and I'd usually never admit that but their my girls.

If you need to be home with them we can reschedule girls day

Kensi: their two determined girls. Amber took them to school to take their test and now their at my house with her resting. 8was thinking we could do this at my house

Good idea, Eric I will see you later. I gave him a kiss then left with Kensi. She drove us to her house and we joined Amber on the couch having coffee

Kensi: how are they?

Amber: annoying. Their tough girls but I hate when they get sick because its never only one getting sick and they act like babies even though I don't mind taking care of my girls. The doctor just left, he said we need to break their fever and he gave them some medicine so their asleep right now cuddling together, its adorable

Kensi: I bet. Brandon and Bella you can go play with your toys in your room

Amber: their so cute and they actually like me

Kensi: that's because you run around with them like deeks does and they love it, your also great with kids

Bella: mommy

Kensi: Bella you've been calling me then running away laughing all morning. What is it?

Bella: where my daddy gone?

Kensi: you ask that everyday, he's working Bella. Daddy will be home soon

Bella: I want daddy

Kensi: I miss those days when you didn't talk much, now that seems to be all you do

She could make a simple sentence super adorable. Her voice is just too cute. She wants her daddy to come home and she looks sad which makes it even more adorable. Her pouty face is precious

Kensi: princess I thought you said your a big girl now, big girls don't cry and especially not for their daddy

Amber: I can't agree with you on that one. I'm a grown woman married with four kids and I still cry when daddy leaves me

Kensi: I know how you feel, I was daddy's little girl too and now so is bella

She'll be fine, if she's anything like you she can handle this

Kensi's POV

Just as Nell said that I got a call from Washington saying deeks has been hurt and it felt like my hears sank. They wouldn't give !me any details over the phone so I got upset and hung up. At thpoint i was on the verge of tears when skylar called out to me. I went into her room and sat at the edge of her bed

Skylar: mom my head and stomach hurts so much, I want my dad. She started to cry and I held her in my arms and said "I got a call and they said deeks is hurt, they won't give any details but he's in a hospital in Washington, baby I know you all want him home but it may take a while" she replies "mom go to him, I have aunt amber and she's good at taking care of me, you'll have to travel with the twins but go bring daddy home. We need him home" I gave both skylar and sofia a kiss on the forehead and went to pack my stuff for my trip to Washington

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