life choices

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Ziva's POV

It was the morning after Christmas and Amber brought us to the deeks house where tony and I sat with them in the living room. Their little twins were running around laughing which was the cutest sight ever and I sat there missing my baby boy. He's two now and I decided to leave Eli with McGee and Abby

Tony: a lot on your mind Ziva?

Not really, I was just thinking about my baby, I miss him and I've been thinking of how much I miss my favorite girls to start. We really had an amazing Christmas with you two.

Sofia: so did we. It was fun having a reminder of how we usually celebrated Christmas. Next year you should bring the whole team to visit and I thought eli would be with you. It would be fun having the whole family together again

We will definitely try and we'll bring eli on our next visit. I see you finally got a dog, its probably the only thing you wanted and didn't get

Skylar: that's dad's dog monty. He likes running around with the twins and its adorable. Soia and I are going to go out for a drive with carter and Aiden.. Since your staying until after the new year we have plenty of time to catch up and stuff. We'll see you guys later. Mom we're taking the twins with us and month because we're going to the playground down the street

Kensi: be sure to actually watch your brother and sister. I trust that you will

Sofia: we will watch them like our lives depended on it

Amber: it does. Bye babies

The little girl ran and gave her dad a hug then she said "daddy I love you, and mommy and aunty I love you"

Skylar: do you have to be that adorable, your making us look bad

Amber: leave my baby alone. We love you too princess, your the sweetest little girl ever. Have fun with your sisters

They took off and left tony and I with Xavier, Amber, kensi and Deeks.

Deeks POV

Kensi was sitting on my lap with her head resting on my neck, all morning she wasn't feeling well so I didn't mind her needing me because that doesn't happen often

Amber: you ok Kens?

Kensi: I feel like crap but other than that I'm good. Deeks aren't you guys supposed to be out with Callen and sam today?

Yeah, but you come first. You always come first

Kensi: go, I'm fine. You need some guy time, your always either with me or one of the kids so go enjoy your day with the booys just don't do anything stupid

That depends on your definition of stupid and I don't want to leave you.

Kensi: that's sweet but I'm fine and we're going to have a girls day. Your mom and my mom are back in town so their coming over any minute with Nell so we can have some quality girl time. You being here defeats the purpose

Alright, but I won't stay out too long

Kensi: stay out for as long as you need to. Have fun out there and if your taking Carter and Aiden along with you bring the twins home. I have a feeling those ngirls are up to something

Amber: you and me both

I left out with tony and Xavier and we stopped by the park to get the bpoys when we saw that the girls were actually just playing with the twins who were running around laughing with the girls so once we got carter and aofden I decided to leave them to their play date. Callen and sam picked us up and we went to Sam's place where we had a few beers while watching the game

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