The pregnancy

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Skylar's POV

Its been four months since I got the news of my upcoming brother or sister and mom is now five months pregnant. For her its been an easy pregnancy, there was only the one month of nausea and vomiting. She hasn't been too crazy, my life has finally been normal School ended at noon today so mom brought me to work with her, everyone was in the bullpen discussing baby names and doing paperwork because they had no active cases

Kensi: Deeks aren't I supposed to have another doctor's appointment today?

Deeks: its at one so we have time, the doctor's office is literally five minutes away. Are we going to find out if its a boy or a girl this time?

Kensi: I thought you said you wanted to be surprised

Deeks: I changed my mind, I really want to know if its a boy or a girl

Kensi: we can find out today if you really have to know and kylar I need to know why your teacher said we need to have a meeting tomorrow. What did you do?

I didn't do anything wrong

Deeks: sky what did you do?

Most of our teachers were in a meeting so while in music class we made it live. We were all singing and dancing around and she thought we just skipped our class but we didn't have present teachers and we didn't do anything wrong so its fine. It was about fifty of us there and it was fun. Dad you know I never skip class, I'm an honors student and so are my friends and carter

Nell: you never call him your boyfriend, its always just Carter

That's his name, and I call him that sometimes

Nell: that's probably why that cindy girl keeps him hot

Oh we talked about that. She got his number from Emma's friend Preston who's on the basketball team with Carter and she won't stop calling so I answered. She thinks because she's head cheerleader and he's the star of the basketball team they should be together but she went too far when she kissed him after their game on Saturday. Who does that?

Kensi: better question, what did you do?

Oh I didn't do anything. Neither of then knew I was there and he handled it on his own. We should get going before you miss your appointment mom

Mom and dad took me with them to the doctor's office where we all went inside. I watched the doctor rub the cold gel on mom's stomach and performed the ultrasound. Hearing the baby's heartbeat made both mom and dad smile. There was a tiny little baby all curled up on the monitor and it was such a beautiful moment

Doctor Wilson: would you like to find out the sex of your baby today Ms Blye?

Kensi: yes doctor Wilson, that's all they want so tell us

Doctor Wilson: I'm happy to tell you that you should expect a little boy and he is perfectly healthy and really moving around in there

Kensi: he kicks a lot. I love it when he starts moving around and its usually when he hears his dad's voice

Deeks: I'm really happy. If it were a girl I would have still been this happy, I'm going to have a son

Mom this is great, a little brother would be pretty cool. Its just four more months to go until Daniel gets here

Deeks: we never agreed on Daniel, she'll go with my choice. This is my junior in there

Kensi: guys we have a lot of time to think about names, im more concerned about having both our mom's over for dinner tonight

That's the least of your problems. Mom its Carter's birthday so he's having an party tonight and I was wondering mif I could go with him. He spent the entire day with me on my birthday and he always does ever since we were little kids so missing his birthday wouldn't be very nice. He lives two houses away from us now so I'll literally be next door

Kensi: you have to be here to see your grandmothers but since you've been so good you can go to your boyfriends birthday party

He invited you guys weeks ago so are you going to ashjow up?

Deeks: its a kids party, it was nice of him to invite us but we're going to stay in tonight and enjoy dinner with our parents

I'll stop by to say hi during the party

Mom got cleaned up and the doctor gave her pictures of the sonogram and we went home where I got dressed and left mom and dad alone

Kensi's POV

I tried helping deeks out with dinner, anyone who knows me knows I don't cook so after burning the chicken I decided to leave deeks alone to fix dinner so I cleaned up the house and in no time our mother's arrived. I let both women in and we sat to the table for dinner. My mother is Julia and deeks' mom is Marisa

Deeks: mom how was your flight?

Marisa: it was fine. You've moved into a lovely place martin. I was wondering why you decided to buy a four bedroom house when its just you, Kensi and skylar

Deeks: we haven't talked for a while, I invited you here to tell you about the baby. Its so great, we just found out today that we're having a boy

Marisa: well congratulations. I knew liking kensi was a good idea from the start, once she learns how to cook she'll be the perfect wife

Nobody's perfect so ok guess I'll stay the way I am

Marisa: I wouldn't change a thing, my son really loves you kensi

I love him too

Julia: where's that daughter of yours?

She's at the party going on next door. She didn't want to miss it but she said she'll come over later to say hi

Marisa: she'd only blow us off for that boyfriend of hers, carter right?

Yes and its his birthday

Julia: how do you feel about a baby shower? Marisa and I can arrange it. We wanted to surprise you but you don't do that to pregnant women. Are you o k with having one?

I'm not into being the center of attention but you can throw me a baby shower if it makes you guys happy. I just want you to involve Nell, she's one of my best friends

Marisa: we will have her help with decorations, the shower won't be for another two or three months though

Its fine, you just can't wait too long because in four months this little guy is due to come into the world

Julia: you don't look that far along

I'm almost six months along mom. Deeks and sky are debating names everyday

Deeks: another Marty deeks would be amazing and you know it, Kens I've had a few other names in mind. Makai, August and then we're back to Martin

I love those choices, their all great so how about you pick one of the three once our little man gets here

Deeks: really?

Yes really. You've always wanted a son and now your going to get one, you should be the one to name him

Deeks came and gave me a hug then said "I love you so much" and I replied "I love you too", he kissed me and took his seat beside me

Marisa: this is adorable

Deeks: she's always adorable

We all continued a conversation filled with a lot of laughter while we ate dinner, after dinner Skylar brought carter over, they stayed for about five minutes nthen returned to his birthday party. My mom had deeks momstaying with her so they left around midnight and deeks and I fell asleep waiting up for skylar

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