Parties and Punishments

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Kensi's POV

Skylar walked inside at two in the morning trying to sneak up to her room when deeks turned on the lights and made her take a seat with us on the couch

Deeks: skylar do you have any idea what time it is? You've been out all night

Skylar: dad I was right across the street and the party ended hours ago but I stayed behind, while I was helping Carter's aunt clean up we were all talking and lost track of time. I'm so sorry but I was only helping out and we honesty didn't know how late it was. How long am I grounded for?

Deeks: six months

Skylar: it was one harmless mistake daddy

Deeks: I'm just kidding. Go to bed baby

Skylar: you should do the same daddy

We all went to bed that night or that morning because it was already past two am and deeks and I woke up around seven to the smell of breakfast being made in the kitchen so we went downstairs and met carter seated at the table so we joined him

Deeks: I'm used to you being in my house early but kid its after seven. Don't you have a home of your own to be in right now?

Carter: my aunt leaves for work at five and that's when I usually meet up with kensi and skylar for our run so we decided to have breakfast together today. I wouldn't mind if this were an everyday thing but she's making me cook

Skylar: how else will we eat? How long will the pancakes take?

Carter: give it a few more minutes

I don't want pancakes, make me a bowl of cereal with warm milk and bring it to me on the couch

Carter: I'll have it ready in a minute

I sat beside deeks on the couch and carter brought us both breakfast then he left out with skylar afterwards. Deeks and I both washed up for work and he drove us into the ops center where we walked hand in hand into the bullpen and took our seats

Sam: mornin' guys, how was your night?

It was ok. Our mom's get along so well, their really good friends and we found out that we're having a baby boy so that's more good news. I always wanted a son

Callen: keep in mind your bringing another deeks into the world. It might not be as easy as you think

He's already thinking about giving this one his name so if he does then the world better prepare for another Marty Deeks

Sam: nobody can prepare for that

We all were talking and laughing until hetty and granger walked in

Granger: guys we have a situation. Kensi, deeks may be you should both sit this one out. It's too personal. Nell and Eric will brief us in ops

We all followed hetty and granger up to ops and took our usual places around the island and Eric pulled up a bunch of pictures of skylar on screne with carter

Why are we looking at pictures of sky and her boyfriend?

Hetty: focus on the people behind her with the camera. Same tall white man with a black baseball cap in every photo and these were taken months apart, same guy every time. There was one man we never caught who was involved in her mother's death and I think this is our guy. I've been watching skylar for a really long time to see if our ghost would turn up and now he has. He's after your daughter so from now on I want her in a safehouse until we find this mystery man. Its a Saturday so where is skylar now?

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