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Kensi's POV

So Im sitting in my house with a seven months pregnant sofia and Skylar who seems to be the one taking care of sofia these days so I asked "sofia doe's Aiden help at all?"

Sofia: he works a lot of overtime, he said babies are expensive and he wants to make sure our baby boy has everything he needs but we can afford this baby with all the money we make. I think he's freaking out about this and it gets worse monthly. The baby is due in less than two months and he's not ready for this

Well he needs to get ready, how do you make being pregnant work for you so well?

Sofia: I can make anything work for me. Kensi what should I so about Aiden? He's kind of freaking out about this

New dad's freak out, don't worry about that. Skylar I see your walking around with a nice ring on. Its beautiful

Skylar: carter proposed, that's what I wanted to talk about. It was so sweet he made me cry

Congratulations, I know he'll make you happy so you so the same for him. That's a good man you have there

Skylar: I know mom, all this baby talk has him thinking about kids now and I don't want to shut him down because he may think I hate kids but in reality I just don't want any yet. Mom and Callen adopted Michael and got married so that's still setting in

Why don't you tell him how you feel? I'm sure he won't mind waiting because you two are practically kids yourself. All you need to do is tell him in a nice way how your feeling

Skylar: alright. I will definitely do that. He's working so when he comes home we'll talk

Sofia: I always feel more comfortable talking to you. I tell you things I wouldn't dream of  telling my own mother and I wanted to say thank you for always being here for me. Your the best

Your being so sweet. I think you should always have someone you can open up to who won't judge, your a grown woman and sometimes your mom forgets that

Sofia: she treats me like a child when I can handle my situation just fine without her. Mom feels the need to control everything I do and its so annoying sometimes. She doesn't trust me

I think she only wants to protect you. So your baby boy will be here in a few months, do you have everything you need?

Sofia: I don't have much help going shoping so I ordered all of his things online so he's covered. I got a promotion at work a few months ago so I could afford him and i get gifts from all of you guys very often so he has more than enough things. Where are the twins? I have some toys they would love

Amber took them out today. She has the twins, Taylor and Michael. I think their at the park, she likes kids

Sofia: I know. This kid has been kicking all morning

I used to love the feeling when my babies kicked. It was the most amazing thing in the world to me

Sofia: it kind of tickles a little, at first I was freaked out but I'm so excited to meet him. I need to pick up my bags from aiden's place so I'll be back soon

Sofia's POV

I left out and drove to aiden's place, when I went inside he had a few friends over. I know we decided to take a break but seeing that girl with her head on his shoulder hurt more than I thought it would So I got my bags and was about to leave when he stopped me

Aiden: sofia its not what you think. That's sage, she's a friend of matt's and we're all hanging out. Let me carry the bags, you shouldn't be lifting anything heavy while your pregnant. How's my little man doing in there?

He's hanging on. I made a mistake saying we need a break, I don't want you to leave me

Aiden: I'm not going anywhere babe. You and my son are the only thing ok care about. Leave your stuff so you can stay over more. move back in with me sofia, we can be a family

I'm good living in the house with carter and skylar. We all had plans on living together and splitting the bills so come there of you want to be a united family

Aiden: if that's what it takes I'll start moving my things right now. How about you go and make space for me while i start packing clothes with the help of these guys

I'm the jealous type so have that chick keep her distance

Aiden: I will stay away from her

I left aiden's place and started my drive Bach home when out of nowhere this car driving in the wrong lane hits me head on and speeds off while my car goes off the road. Nobody could see the accident and I tried getting out of the car but fell. I was in so much pain and my head was spinning, it started getting harder and harder to keep my eyes open until everything went dark


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