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Kensi's POV

I woke up early on a Monday morning and got my babies ready for school, deeks was still in bed so we decided to let him sleep, the twins and I stopped at a cafe for breakfast then I dropped them off at pre school. On my way home I drove by a scene of an accident and got out to help when the driver came at me from behind hitting me on the head, before I could even fight back I fell to the ground in pain and my whole world went dark

Deeks POV

Its now around ten in the morning and kensi's still not back yet, I kept calling but her phone is going straight to v9ice mail so I got dressed and walked into the bullpen to find the guys having a talk

Amber: where's kensi Marty?

I have no idea, that's why I'm here. I woke up and she wasn't there so I figured she went to take the twins to school but she would have been back hours ago. I called the school and their teacher said kensi dropped them off around eight and left. Its now almost eleven and she's missing

Callen:maybe she's running late, there's a lot of traffic near the twins are school

Yeah but Michael goes there and you made it in on time. She always answers my calls, even when she's mad at me. I know how paranoid I sound but something's wrong

Callen: sarah took Michael to school this morning but your not paranoid. Go check it out

I went up to ops and had eric and Nell trace her phone and car GPS then they pulled up a video of kensi being attacked by a stop light and being stuffed into the trunk of a white car. I went back to the team and told them what was going on and we went to the crime scene. There was a small pool of blood and her gold necklace which said mommy lying in the blood

Callen: we'll get her back deeks, I promise you we'll bring her home safe

Ever since I gave her that necklace she always keeps it on. I need to find my wife. I don't know who took her or why but I need her back. We're wasting time here. Has eric and Nell get a hit on the facial recognition?

Sam: nothing yet. We know they took her alive so they probably want something

I have to find her and to do that I need to know who took her. There should be hair or DNA somewhere. We need to find a lead

Callen: deeks relax, your not focused because your too close to this. Go back to the office and wait, your not working this case

That is my wife out there, I don't need permission to search for her. If it were sarah nobody could tell you sit and wait. I want my wife home with me and I will do whatever it takes to get her back

With that said I stormed off in hopes of finding kensi

Callen's POV

Sam he's a ticking time bomb, Kensi is the love of his life and someone took her so he's too close and he'll be more of a danger if we take him off the case. Let's get that man his wife back

Sam: we need to find her fast before she gets hurt any more than she already is

We worked all day long looking and found nothing, days searching turned into weeks, two full weeks of no kensi and it was driving deeks crazy. He stayed in the office working non stop looking for her and it seems like she dropped off the face of the earth.

Skylar: daddy, I think you need a break even oif its only for a few hours. You haven't gotten a full day's sleep in two weeks

How can I sleep when my wife is missing? She's out there somewhere in trouble and I need to find her

Sofia: alright then we're staying to continue helping on this. Even though we were on a case in mexico you should have called. Kensi is more important than a job. Let's start from the top, crime scene photos, everything

Their all right here. Its lined off in how the events took place. Of your both here where are the kids?

Sofia: with Carter. Let's get this done

We worked for hours and I got frustrated when we didn't find anything so I went into the the training room and started taking all my anger out on a punching bag until my hands started bleeding and the guys came in to stop me

Callen: we'll find her Deeks, that's a promise I intend on keeping

Its been fourteen days 12 hours and thirty five minutes with her gone, nobody's called for anything so what if we're too late, what if.....(sam interrupted)

Sam: don't think like that. No matter how long it takes we'll never stop looking. Kensi is like our little sister and we won't sit back and do nothing while she's out there in danger. You need to take a walk or something. Go clear your head

I can't take a break now, not until she's home safe

Skylar and sofia ran in and sofia said "we found something, the car that disappeared from the face of the earth appeared on kaleidoscope outside of a mini mart on the other side of town, I called and asked the cashier to stall for us. Let's move out now, the address is on out phones

Sam: stay here girl's

Sofia: no way, let's move out people

We grabbed pur gear and raced out to the mini mart where I grabbed the suspect and said "where's my wife!"

Sam: deeks stop! We need to find kensi but that's not the right way to do it, he's not talking

Sofia moved us aside and stuffed her gun in the suspects mouth then said "nobody here is in the mood for games, the woman you took two weeks ago is very important to all of us and if you don't start talking I will pull the trigger and paint the walls with your brains, one chance to give me something to help find kensi or you leave in a body bag"

Vinny: look man I only drive when the guys need me to, they sent me to the store for some food. Vinny never took nobody

Sofia: vinny that's not good enough Vinny, I need to find the woman your friends took. You know something so talk or we're leaving you alone with deeks. That woman is his wife and he's not happy

Vinny: they gave me a message to give to someone named Martin Deeks. Listen I don't know where they took her or why, they said something about a flash drive. They want it back or they'll kill her. I saw the woman but only on a video, she's still alive or she was an hour ago

Sofia: who took her? You must know more than what your saying vinny

Vinny: my brother Vince and his friends, they run drugs from mexico when they said some cop and the chick they took ambushed them and took out two of the main dealers and the flash drive with their high end clients. The lady they grabbed put up a fight so they hurt her pretty bad after she attacked Vince. That's all I know I swear

Skylar: shoot him

Sofia: with pleasure

Vinny: wait, wait, wait! They wanted me to bring the food to a warehouse across town. Its in the middle of nowhere and I heard screaming while I was talking to Vince. I'll take you there just please dont kill me

Sofia squeezed his throat until his face turned red then said "if she's not there your going to die slowly and painfully. Give us the address now

He gave us the address and we called for back up while on the way there. The swat team arrived with us and we breached the building together. There was a fire fight and after taking out the assailant's I went down into the back room to find kensi curled up on the floor in her underwear bleeding, I rushed over to her and wrapped her up in my jacket then carried her out into the back of the ambulance

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