Our farewell

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Nell's POV

I'm five months into my pregnancy and its been good so far, feeling my baby move around inside me Always puts a smile pon my face. I'm laying here in bed with Eric unable to go back to sleep. Its four in the morning so I decided to go downstairs and watch television but it didn't help so after watching two movies it's now after seven and Eric and I decided to get ready for work. We stopped at a cafe for some breakfast then headed into the office. After a few hours the rest of the team started to arrive. Kensi and deeks we're late as usual. We all sat talking for a while

Sam: what are you guys doing for the twins first birthday tomorrow?

Callen: They won't remember either way but kensi wants to throw them a birthday party. She discussed this with you guys weeks ago

Kensi: you agreed to help with the thirty little kids that will be coming over for the party. Deeks and I can barely handle our three and I need you guys. Would you dress up?

Callen: as what?

Kensi: its a Disney themed party so anything from a Disney fairytale. Aurora is who Bella wants to be

Sam: who?

Sleeping beauty. Ariel was my favorite princess growing up, did you have a favorite Kens?

Kensi: I hated fairy tales because I knew it was nothing like how life actually is. Tomorrow I'll be princess jasmine from Aladdin

Deeks: Aladdin does have nice hair but I thought we were doing snow white and prince charming

That would be cute if your characters ended up together. Kensi will make a good jasmine

Kensi: the outfit is the least ridiculous. Callen for you I picked a prince, their names never really matter on the stories

Callen: the big guy could be the beast from beauty and the beast.I'd pay to see that

Sam: I'm not dressing up in a silly costume. I will be there to help out as plain old sam Hanna

Callen: plain old Sam Hanna might scare those little kids and Brandon and Bella would want you to dress up. Their little kids they will think its fun

At that moment Hetty walked in and started briefing us on a case about a marinemwho was shot and killed outside of his home in long beach

Hetty: Mr Callen, Mr Hanna take Kensi with you to the crime scene while I have a word with Mr Deeks in my office

Deeks: did I do something wrong?

Hetty: did you? Come along Mr deeks, we have lots to discuss

Deeks POV

I watched the guys leave as I followed hetty into her office and took a seat. She sat sippimng her tea until I built up the courage to ask what this was about, she placed the tea cup on the desk and said "I need you to dust off your old undercover act Max Gentry. The Washington team needs someone with experience to help stop a drug ring bringing in cocaine aboard a navy ship and Max Gentry is perfect for the role. You will assist agents Dinozzo and Dàvid with their investigation and I want you in DC by sundown so go home and pack what you'll need

Hetty I can't miss my twins first birthday. I'm all for helping out and doing my job but I can't hurt Brandon and Bella in the process. Could this nwait until after their party?

Hetty: you can stay a while with them on their birthday then its off to Washington and before you ask there is no way of me knowing when you'll be back, anywhere from a few weeks to a few months

I should try and help with the case

Hetty: that won't be necessary, assistant director Granger is waiting to brief you on the details of your assignment in Washington.

After I left Hetty's office I went to assistant director granger and he spent about an hour briefing me on the case so would know who to get close to. The guys arrived back around five after solving their case and we all went home after our long day

*The next day*

We got up early and started getting everything together for the twins party. The team arrived to help us and in no time the party had begun, we had so many little kids running around in the yard playing while dressed up like their favorite fairytale characters. It was hard for me to focus because I hadn't told kensi about my assignment yet. She walked over to me and asked "what's wrong deeks?" I guess she knows me better than I thought so I responded saying "hetty assigned me to a case in Washington and I leave today, after the twins party. I wanted to tell you yesterday but you were so happy and I didn't want to mess that up"

Kensi: when will you be back?

Indefinitely. It could be a few weeks or a few months, Hetty's not sure. I will call as much as I can, Kens you know I wouldn't leave by choice, three kids are a lot to handle on your own

Kensi: its ok, their three good kids and I won't make this any harder on you. I'm going to miss you every second your gone

I hugged her and we stayed that way for a while until skylar interrupted by asking "what's going on here?" I responded by saying "skylar I have to leave for a while"

Skylar: dad you can't leave, I need you and if you go who's going to drive me around and take me surfing? Who will cheer me up when I'm having a bad day?

I'm not going away forever and kensi's right here. She can do all those things with you. I thought you knew how much she loves you

Skylar: I'm only around her when your here. Mom used to date a guy who was amazing but she was always around until one day she had to work late and he showed me the real him. You have to remember that I'm not her real daughter.

Kensi: sky after all this time you still don't trust me? I would never do anything to hurt you and you are my real daughter, your the first kid I've ever had to take care of. Brandon and Bella don't change how much I love you and they never will

Skylar: I've been hurt so much in the past so trust his a big issue for me but I believe you because I know you really do love me. Dad I'm still going to miss you more than ever, come home soon

I will try. I should go say goodbye to the twins, I don't want to upset them on their birthday so this will be hard. I walked outside and picked up both of my twins and told them that I had to go away for a while. At first it was hard for them to understand, then when they finally got that I was leaving they both started crying which made mer cry a little. I hugged all of my kids and gave my wife a kiss, then I picked up my bags and left. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do

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