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Skylar's POV

My dad and kensi has been living together for a year now and things are really great, dad just told me he's planning on proposing to kensi on their one year anaversary which is today so I've decided to stay out of their way today and just work on my school project

Kensi's POV

I woke up at 6am feeling so sick so I've spent the past hour and a half throwing up in the bathroom, deeks walked in and helped me up into bed. I've been feeling this way for the past month and I finally know why. Its my one year anaversary with deeks so I've decided to tell him later tonight that I'm pregnant. I hope his reaction isn't too bad

Deeks: fern is their something you need to tell me?

Something like what?

Deeks: Are you pregnant? You've been throwing up a lot lately and I know your not sick

I wanted to tell you later tonight. I know it's not the best time for a baby.......he interrupted me with a hug and said "this is amazing, I've always wanted a big family. Kens I'm going to be here whenever you need me ok?"

Ok. I love you so much. He replied "I love you too" then we shared a long and passionate kiss

Deeks: today I'm going to make you breakfast in bed and tonight we're going to Giorgio baldi for dinner, its truffle season so I know you'll be happy with that. I was thinking about skipping work today so we can make this day all about just you and me

I would love that but we have to go to work deeks and I'm sure you have tons of paperwork you didn't complete. I feel terrible right now so can you just make me coffee and get donuts?

Deeks: sure, I'll go to the nearest Starbucks and get your breakfast

He gave me one last kiss then left out, a few minutes later he returned with my coffee and donuts and we got ready for work. We were out the door then we remembered that we forgot skylar so it was an extra two hour wait and we brought her to work with us. When we walked into the bullpen we greeted Callen and sam then took our seats

Sam: deeks is usually happy but today he's smiling too much, what's going on with him?

I have no idea

Skylar: daddy do I have to be here? Carter and I had plans, do you really want me at work with you?

Deeks: I really don't want you out with your boyfriend all day long so yeah you can stay with me today

Skylar: I don't like labels and we're going to see a movie, I thought we had some kind of trust here. You can spend time with carter and I can't? He might as well be your boyfriend

Deeks: I thought you weren't into labels

Go see your movie. Don't mind deeks you should enjoy your day. Can carter pick you up?

Skylar: he's outside waiting so bye

Deeks: wait! Of your going to a movie won't you need money?

Skylar: daddy I never ask you for money and you know that, mom left me everything so I'm good for the next few years

Deeks: I thought she left a trust fund or something

Skylar: I'm very responsible so that was never necessary, I have access to all the accounts and only use a certain amount of money a month. Dad I really should get going before I miss the movie so bye

She left quickly so deeks wouldn't keep her back any longer and after inhaling the scent from Sam's breakfast I tried to make it to the bathroom to throw up, but it was too far so I ended up vomiting in the trashcan next to my desk and deeks brought me a bottle of water

Deeks: are you ok? I'll take you home if you feel sick

I'm fine. Hetty needs us up in ops so we should do that

We all went upstairs into ops where Eric and Nell briefed us on a case where we had to bring in a girl by the name of Angela westmore because she was a material witness in a case against one of the biggest drug rings in Los Angeles so the four of us left out. When we arrived on scene we were just in time to save Angela from being killed by a group of masked gunmen. They started firing at us and deeks shielded me from the hail of bullets headed our way. We managed to get Angela out of the line of fire, the shooters got away so we took her into the boat shed where hetty waited with Eric and Nell

Hetty: thank goodness Ms Westmore is safe, Nell and Eric are keeping her company in one of the interrogation rooms. Mr deeks what was that out there?

Deeks: what was what?

Hetty: you could have gotten yourself killed protecting Ms Blye when she would have been able to get out of the line of fire on her own. Kensi is a very capable woman

Callen: she wasn't 100% today, he was trying to keep her alive

Deeks: I don't think its a good idea sending kensi out into the field. She can work in ops with Eric and Nell or help with interrogation's but as for going out where the danger is that's not the best choice

Hetty: I won't bench one of my best agents because you think its not a good idea having her do her job

Callen: I don't say this often but I agree with deeks. She's not feeling too good these days. Its not just today, it was last week and the week before that and two weeks before that. Something's going on with her and until she's over that she can't be in the field

Hetty: Ms Blye, what's been going on with you?

Hetty I'm fine, I'm just not a morning person and they no that

Deeks: Kens your thinking only about yourself when you can't do that anymore

Hetty: what is he talking about?

I'm pregnant

Everyone congratulated deeks and me, even Eric and Nell who heard the conversation over our ear piece

Hetty: we should all go out to celebrate later tonight

First we need to tell Skylar the news, I'm not so sure it will be good news for her since she's always saying how happy she is with being an only child

Deeks: she wants a little sister or brother. Sky hasn't called all day

She called me a while ago, she's in the bullpen waiting to tell you all about her day

Sam: it sounds like the two of you are really close deeks

You have no idea. She's daddy's little girl, he even likes her boyfriend

Deeks: he's a nice kid. We should get back to the office

Hetty: Ms westmore's safe with the other agents

We all went back into the bullpen where we met skylar waiting

To be continued.................

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