fighting for life

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Deeks POV

I paced up and down the hospital waiting for word on my babies condition until kensi stopped me  and said "your making me nervous" I sat beside her and we waited for hours until the doctor finally came over to talk to us. He could see how worried we liked and he said "you cannboth relax, the twins are doing fine. Your daughter can go home but brandon needs to stay a while. He sustained the most injuries because based on the positioning of the injuries he was protecting his sister 

Kensi: how long will he need to stay him Here?

Doctor Matthews: a couple of days maybe a week. He's a tough little boy so he's pulling through just fine but he keeps askimg for his mommy. I had to sedate him, he should be up in a couple of minutes. Bella wants her bunny and her mommy so i think its about time she got that

Skylar: at least they got to enjoy most of their birthday

Sarah: I like that their both ok, today was a good day. Thank you ladies. Lauren, Chloe, Ava, Leah and Tania you all did an amazing job out there so I know when I'm not around things will work out. I finally decided who will be second in command when I'm not around. O gave you all a challenge and you all did amazing but Mia has superior leadership skills, she reminds me of sofia. Short tempered, innocent looking but in reality silent but deadly if necessary. Mia I'm taking time off so do me justice leading these girls and Ava follow orders

Ava: I'll try princess

Sofia: I'm one of a kind aunt sarah but Mia's ok at best

Leah: I bed you'd do great on our team. You have some kick ass skills

Sofia: well your trainer has been training me since I could walk so of course I have skills but I'd rather not join a group of seductress's because it always ends up biting me in the ass in the end. My targets always fall in love with me which is annoying as hell but your jobs are pretty cool. She's totally training you like ninjas

Sarah: your starting to sound like Marty

Ava: he's adorable

Skylar: that's so gross. Dad's not adorable

Chloe: you look more like him than your mom.

Skylar: well daddy if I look like you then you must be super hot because I know I am. I'm going to see those babies now

Sarah: you have her so conceded

Me, I got her that way. She got that all from you, you could stand in a mirror all day looking at yourself

Kensi: your both shallow now let's go see our babies

We walked into the room with the twins annds gave them both hugs, for the nest ten days that's where we stayed because Brandon needed a longer stay and we were not letting either of our babies out of our sight. When they cleared my little man to go home we couldn't be happier. We took them both home and tucked them into our bed where they rested.

Kensi: I'm so happy their home and doing ok. They don't remember much of it because they passed out pretty fast

I guess in an odd way it's a good thing. Baby I know its been a rough eight days but we made it and I know if I didn't have you by my side I wouldn't have made it. I know ow cheesy this must sound but I believe that we were made for each other. Your my strength when I need it , my smile when I need to be happy. Kensi your my whole world and I love you more than life itself. Without you by my side I'm nothing

Kensi: when you feel like your nothing just remember your my everything and you always will be. You make me fall in love with you more and more each day and I can't imagine a world without you in it

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