keeping it in

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Sofia's POV

I'm now four months pregnant but lucky for me its not showing at all, maybe I've gained a little weight in my hips and breasts but not too much, at first I was afraid but now I'm so excited to be a mom. Aiden and I still haven't told anyone about the baby yet because we know how they'll will react so aside from his mom only Carter and skylar knows about this pregnancy and I'm good with that. Skylar and I have this case which crossed over with ncois so we're now in the bullpen with the team sharing information on the case

Kensi: sofia are you good?

I'm great, im not huge fan off eggs to be honest. The scent upsets my stomach so do you guys really need to be eating breakfast in here?

Amber: we really do

Mom why are you even here? Don't you work for the CIA or something? Go do CIA stuff

Amber: I offered to assist on the case. Do you have a problem with me being here sofia?

I really do, but Your a grown woman so you can be wherever you want to be

Amber: you walked out before you could have any breakfast this morning, do you want me to get you something other than eggs?

I'm fine, let's just do this

Sarah: are you feeling alright baby?

I'm going to be fine aunt sarah, its nothing to worry about. So back to the case. A man by the name of Charles Rodgers hacked into the NSA he was a former navy seal and w as under investigation by the CIA so I now see where you and mother come in. He downloaded classified mission reports and we need to find him because he's planning on selling it to the Chinese government which we all know can be horrible for us. We need to find Charles Rodgers and locate the flash drive with the case reports. It's simple enough. Skylar and I are the brains and you guys follow our lead.

Nell: where do we come in?

You and Eric are unnecessary, Skylar and I have more clearance and higher IQ scores

Skylar: she means that in the nicest possible way, if there's even a nice way. Sofia I know you don't mean anything with the things you say but that was considered insulting. Four brains are better than two

Whatever, aunt sarah Charles has his ychat docked beside yours coincidentally and he's said to be having a party on his ychat so take mother and crash the party find the flash drive and end this

Hetty: with all due respect sofia but this is my team's case and we're taking the lead on this one. You and skylar can help Mr and Mrs Jones up in ops

Hetty this was my case before it came to NCIS and I agreed to keep your team on but I can always change my mind. My case so I'm leading. My boss didn't send me here to assist Eric and nell in ops and I have no plans on doing so. Back to my game plan, I want you in teams of two's, its a big ychat so searching will take a while

Sarah: sweetie the big ychat belongs to me. He owns the small on next to mine so this won't take long at all, I assure you the flash drive isn't on my ychat so everyone isn't necessary for this one

How about you let me make that call. I already gave the orders and of NCIS and the CIA can't handle this then I can take the case back to my people where it should have a stayed to begin with. Are you ready to do your jobs or what?

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