Picking up the Pieces

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Deeks POV

I walked into kensi's room and she was laying there with tears streaming down her face so I rushed to her side and held her as she cried on my chest. Seeing her hurting like that made me hurt and all I could do was lay with her amd tell her that everything was going to be ok,She spent two weeks in the hospital and another two weeks at home recovering and it was not time for her to come back to work. We got up early and took our twins to her mom's house, skylar was staying with amber and Xavier who nolived right next door so the y took her to school when they took their girls. We walked into the bullpen and everyone gave kensi a warm welcome back and we headed into the gym to train. Kensi decided to go a few rounds with sam while we watched

Sam: you ok kensi?

Kensi: why wouldn't I be? I feel fine because I am fine. Are we going to do this or not?

Sam: I'm trying to have a heart to heart conversation with you and your blowing me off

Kensi: ok, we can all talk since there's absolutely nothing to do today. Everyone I'm fine end of conversation

Callen: deeks how is she really?

This whole situation hasn't been easy but she's good. Much better than she was a month ago

Sam: being shot is tough

Oh you didn't tell them the whole story did you?

Kensi: that's not up for discussion, why'd ypou even bring that up?

I just thought since we're all more than just coworkers you'd talk to someone about it. This is our family and I thought you'd need someone else to talk to.

Kensi: deeks I'm fine and yes their our family but I haven't talked about that with anyone else but you. Not even my mom, I guess its ok now. Behind shot wasn't the worst part of that day, deeks and I were having another baby. I really am ok now and it was too soon anyway. The twins are enough for right now and we have skylar. I was only a few weeks but that hurt a lot and after our grieving period I'm good and nobody asks how you feel deeks

In good if your good fern

Kensi: I'll be great if I can go back to beating up sam

Sam: you can try and we're all here for you both no matter what. Families stick together and we're a family. Your loss is our loss and your victories are our victories. That's how families work

Kensi: I know and your all great. I have a pretty amazing family, I love you guys and I would love to move on with my life. Knowing that I have you guys here for me in good times and bad makes me feel 100% better

Sam: that's good

Kensi: I'm going to get me a coffee before I kick Sam's ass in a minute

Sam: before you try, I'm not letting you win Kens

Kensi: who says it will be a choice tough guy? Deeks come on

We walked to the break room where she made us not coffee and I pulled her closer to we with my arms around her waist and I said "Kens you know we never really go to enjoy our wedding. The cake was untouched and we didn't get to have our first dance or a honeymoon so how about we take a trip? You need a break and so do I so you and me on a beach in Hawaii? I spoke with hetty and she thinks we deserve a ten day honeymoon" she kissed me then said " its a good idea but my mom has a business trip this week" I replied saying " amber and Xavier will watch them during the day and Eric and nell will get them I the evening"

Kensi: I guess were going on vacation, just the two of us and Hawaii sounds like fun. When are we scheduled to leave?

Tomorrow morning, I wanted to surprise you but surprises aren't your thing so I decided to tel you we're going and have a special surprise when we arrive. Its not too big

Kensi: that's ok, once I'm with you I'm happy. I may !miss the kids but we could use a preak from parenthood. Should I consider this our honeymoon?

When you think about it we never really got to do all the stuff you normally do after you get married. There was no cake or dancing, no party so before we make any plans on taking our honeymoon I have something special planned for tonight. With the help of our mothers and hetty of course I planned a wedding reception. Its the surprise I told you about this morning so when you get home you'll put on a pretty dress and we will enjoy our wedding reception

Kensi: deeks you should have told me about this. Who says I want to do that?

I'm sorry I just thought you'd like to have the full wedding experience

Kensi: has it ever occurred to you that I don't want to go through that again? I'm going back to practice with the guys while you, jetty and our mom's cancel whatever plans you made for me because I'm not going

She walked away angrily and I went to talk to hetty in her office. When I walked in she was sipping mtea as usual and she motioned me to sit so I did. Before I could say anything she said "Mr Deeks do not cancel any plans, we're going to let her enjoy her wedding reception. I'll go and speak with her

Hetty's POV

After my talk with Mr deeks I went to find kensi who was beating up a punching bag while the boys along with ms Jones watched. I walked over and said "Ms Blye may I have a word?" It was my shock to hear her say no and continue punching

Callen: there's no possible way this will go well so we're going to finish that thing we were all working on

They all left me alone with kensi and I said to her "kensi I know you think you will be reliving being shot at your wedding by doing this but he just wants to give you a good memory and I support that.

Kensi: my wedding ceremony was perfect up until I was shot, I have that good memory, no it was an amazing memory. I don't need him trying to re-do our wedding when it was great

You never experienced the wedding reception which is the fun part of getting married and he was so excited planning that with us. He's like a child in a candy store

Kensi: for him I'll do it and I wouldn't pass up cake. I better go apologize for getting so upset with him. He was only trying to be sweet and I got angry

He'll be fine. I will personally tell him you said your sorry While you go home and prepare for your special night. Its exactly like you planned on the actual wedding date. Mr Deeks made it clear that we go by your plan so same location, cake, everything

Kensi: did he really do all of that for me?

He really did. Ms Blye you found someone great to share the rest of your life with. Some people never get that lucky. Never tell him about this conversation but he's a good man and he lives to make you happy so enjoy it. You deserve to be so loved

Kensi: thank you hetty. I will take you up on the offer on heading home so I can play with my babies for a while. Please tell him I'm sorry I got upset

Just go already

I watched kensi leave and went to finalize the plans with Mr deeks


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