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Sarah's POV

I've been back for two weeks now and since my girls aren't coming back to DC I'm staying, my sister and her husband are allowing me to stay with them until I find a place of my own. My girls will be headed off to college soon so at least I have the summer with the girls. Its about five am and I went over to the deeks house and Marty's wife let me in. I always knew he'd end up with a pretty brunette. I said "good morning, I forgot your name"

Kensi: its Kensi. The girls are just getting out of the bathroom they should be down soon

Deeks walked down only in his boxers and he said baby who's at the door this early in the morning? Then he looked at me and said "you know you really shouldn't be disturbing us this early, what kind of person does that?

Kensi: she's here for the girls

Deeks: they have gymnastics in about two hours so don't have them late

Marty I think I can handle my girls, I've been doing it all their lives in case you forgot

Deeks: maybe o did because you never mentioned it

Are we seriously still on this. If I had told you where would we be right now? You would have never gone to law school, never became a cop and never met your wife. Neither of us were ready for a kid, we were teenagers in over our heads and I knew you wanted more for your life and me walking away when I did gave you that opportunity

Deeks: you can't really say all these things wouldn't have happened if you'd let me be in Skylar's life from the start

I'm sorry, at the time I thought it was the best choice which it wasn't, you made that pretty clear. I loved you and I loved what we had but it wasn't worth you giving up your dreams for me and sky. You have a wife that you clearly love more than life itself and you have those little babies. Here comes one now

The little girl ran to him crying and said "dadda I sad"

Deeks: why are you sad princess

Bella: I can't find bunny

Deeks: its ok munchkin, you left bunny In mommy an daddy's bed. Don't cry, i hate when your sad

Kensi: its ok, let's go get bunny and put you back to bed. Daddy will make you some breakfast soon

Bella: mommy I love you

Kensi: I love you more

Deeks: fern I'll put her back to bed, you said that you have a slight headache so  You sit and when I get back I'll make your breakfast. He kissed her on the lips and took the baby upstairs when my girls came down still in their pajamas

Skylar: hey mom, so instead of going for a run we're going to sleep in like normal people. I thought I texted you but I guess i was so sleepy that I forgot, we have gymnastics soon and we don't want to be tired. We can hang out afterwards and you could stay for breakfast. We have time to discuss some things

You know how I feel about being in people's houses. Call me when your free

Kensi: its fine I of you stay sarah, they want more time with you and Deek and I are good with it

He's kind of pissed at me and I get why, he won't just want me in his house nor in his life. Marty made it pretty clear that he doesn't want me around

Skylar: can you blame him, he's the coolest dad ever and growing up with him would have been amazing, even though he's really upset he's ok with having you around because unlike you he knows how much having you means to sofia and me. He'll forgive you because he has me in his life now and he has Kensi who he loves. There's no reason to be mad at you. Your the one who walks away

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