Do's and Don't's

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Kensi's pov

Its been exactly six months since we've welcomed brandon and Bella into the family and things have been so amazing. Its one day until my wedding so right now rhings are a little crazy in our house. Deeks took brandon with him and went over to Sam's house for the night while i stayed at our place with the girls

Skylar: mom are you excited?

Very excited, your dad makes me happier than anyone has ever been able to and agreeing to marry him is the best choice I've ever made. I love him so much and he gave me three amazing kids

Skylar: I am pretty amazing. This is going to be a nice wedding but if you dont sleep you'll miss it

Nell: its only 7pm, we're going to have some fun. Girls how about we play some games?

Amber: those girls are busy texting and laughing. Their glued to those cell phones of theirs

Sofia: were totally here for you kensi. Mom so are you still against me dating or was it just because of the Riley incident?

Amber: your not dating until your eighteen because of the Riley incident

Who was Riley?

Amber: this boy she dated last year, she didn't like him. She only dated him because i didn't want that criminal near my baby. He was a horrible human being that had hee acting out

Sofia: mom Riley and I had one date. I told you I was going out with him because you hated him and so did i, he was an idiot. I usually stayed out late because it made you madnwhich made me happy but I've matured and I'm kind of already dating someone that i really like and for some stupid reason he wants to meet my parentsso are you good with that? Back to the game thing

Amber: hold up! I told you no and you did it anyway and expect me to be ok with it? You know i hate when you disobey a direct order and its always either you or your better half smiling in the corner over there (meaning skylar)

Sofia: this is exactly why i had no plans on telling you but he insisted on meeting you guys

Amber: i love you and I know you'll hate me in a minute but your not alllowed to date so you can end that right there

Sofia: your my mother, you annoy me but I could never hate you. I didn't follow instructions and have to live with the consequences. Im going to bed now

Amber: i guess you have matured, you still can't date until your eighteen sofia.

Sofia: mom let's compromise. You say no and your going on assignment soon so I do it anyway. I want your apptoval on this'd because I really like this guy and i know you'll like him

Amber: you are too much like me, but I'm better. Your my daughter, I know where you are every second of the day. Skylar you too. Your the ones i dont trust, you two have been looking into Sarah's death ever since sofia got here, yes I know everything so this boy is cadet sergeant Hanna. Aiden Hanna son of ex navy seal NCIS agent sam hanna and CIA agent Michelle Hanna. Am i right? Of course I'm right. I do like him, he's well mannered and follows rules. Hes your opposite, why do you like him?

Sofia: he's cute and interesting. Why are you stalking sky and me? What is wrong with you mother?

Amber: girl i don't have time to follow you around so i sent my best people. Why are you girls poking holes into how Sarah died and who's at fault? Its dangerous so I need it to end

Skylar: I'm not letting go. She was my mother and that crap story is a bunch of bull. Yes her plane crash and you found two of the four men responsible and they wanted to kill her then my dad because of something they saw twenty years ago when they were kids. Mom if you'd just listen you'd see the pattern

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