Parrish. C

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Deeks POV

It was now dinner time and the team arrived and shortly after carter joined us and I could see skylar giving me that don't embarrass me look but she's my daughter so I had a few questions for this carter boy, he was a biracial kid, tall and muscular with caramel skin, and thick black curly hair with light blue eyes.

Kensi: you have that look which means your thinking and that's never good

I'm thinking what questions I should ask first. Carter I know nothing about you and your dating my daughter. I'm not a fan of skylar having a boyfriend at all so where should I start?

Skylar: this is going to be a long night

Kensi: you have no idea

Where did you meet skylar?

Carter: Ten years ago at music camp. My mom made me take piano lessons and she was best friends with skai's mom so they let us spend a lot of time together

Interesting, what did you do to get expelled from school in DC?

Carter: that's a complicated story

I have time

Skylar: he didn't do anything. It was Halloween and there was this dance at school so me and my friends decided to have a little fun with the principal. I guess we went to far with scaring her because she ended up falling down the stairs and we were in costumes so she didn't know who caused her to fall she just remembered the outfit. He switched costumes with me to get me out of trouble. I couldn't get expelled, its doesn't look good on your record. I'm an honors student and it was just a prank she was fine she just over reacted and that wasn't on his record so how did you even know that

I talked to the principal of your old school

Skylar: you clearly don't have much going on at work

this is just good detective work

Skylar: if your so good at your job then you already know everything their is to know about carter or am I wrong

Let me ask the questions here.

Callen: he reminds me of you deeks. He has the long curly hair and seems to be obsessed with his hair, he plays basketball and playa an instrument and there's the blue eyes thing he has going on

Skylar: why are you making this gross? Carter and dad are nothing alike. He has black hair dad has blond hair and your not wrong on the obsession thing but he looks nothing like my dad and if he did I would have never started dating him. I'm not a fan of blondes with blue eyes

Sam: your a blonde and your boyfriends eyes are blue

Skylar: on him its cute, he has that Michael Ealy look going on and dad's just........I don't know

I'm amazing and as much as I wanted to find something wrong with carter there was nothing to find, he's a good kid that I will kill if he hurts you

Skylar: you made that clear the first hundred times you said it, let's move on to you. There are some thing I still don't know about you guys like what you do. Carter's dad works at NCIS as a tech operator but I think being in the field siis a lot more fun

My like is an open book but tonight is about you. When did you first start singing?

Skylar: Ever since I could remember. Mom used to always sing me a lullaby before bed and I guess it started there

Nell: your really talented, your like a young Marian Carey

Skylar: I love her music but I'm more into Ariana grande and Beyoncé. Their amazing and one day I want to be that good

Nell: your already that good, not much people can hit whistle notes like you do. I'm your biggest fan

Skylar: that's carter, and it's not only with singing its everything. Ballet, gymnastics or athletic events he's always there. I love my friends but Carter's my best friend and he has been for as long as I can remember

Nell: that's really sweet

Callen: your teenagers, I give this a month before this ends

Kensi: I think this is real, they'll work out in the long run because their a good match and most kids their age has no clue what love is but they do and its the sewwtest thing ever. If they were going to break up it would ha be happened a month ago

Sam: I'm with kensi on this one

Skylar: can we please talk about something else?

Hetty: how have you been doing in school, not academically socially

Skylar: there's this group of girls that are really mean and I've been grieving this pass month so I let it go but yesterday it just got worse. I did what dad said and tried being nice, it didn't work so we're going to have a problem. I got a full scholarship to the best private school in LA and a group of girls willprobably cause me to loose that because im not very nice when I'm angry. This is why I miss my friends. I can ignore people better with Sofia addison and Emma

Hetty: I can arrange that, you have something in common with all of your friends and its that your parents are either in the navy or working at NCIS and I can call in a favor for them to be transferred to Los Angeles

Skylar: that would be so amazing

Hetty: they all asked for the transfer a week ago so that should be easy. I know loosing your mom was tough and I explained that to each child's parent. Those girls are your sisters and you need them. Sofia is the one to handle mean girls

Skylar: I know. You just made my day. I'm so happy and I can't thank you enough

Hetty: family takes care of one another and your hitting so I'd do anything to ease the pain. Know that you are deeply loved

Skylar: I love you too, all of you

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