Healed Hearts

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Kensi's POV

I went home to find my mom and mother in law in the house with a beautiful and simple mermaid tail strapless wedding dress and it was amazing, they helped me get dressed and around seven we went to the ballroom where the reception was held and I was met by a smiling deeks dressed in his tuxedo, he held out his hand for me and I took it, everyone sat down for the dinner part of the night and surprisingly deeks' old friend ray stood up to make a toast. It was really sweet seeing him here for deeks. He hit his fork to his glass to get everyone's attention and stood up

Ray: wikipedia its good seeing you again, I knew you guys had a thing and I'm glad Marty called when your thing worked out. Marty and I first met when we were kids and I always thought of him as a little brother, I looked out for him and I never thought he would be the one to save me now that we're all grown up. Wikipedia I like you and I told you he's always had a thing for brunettes. Take care of my little brother, I'll trust you with that. You've changed him for the better and even though your a mom now your still pretty hot

Deeks: Easy tiger

I will do my best to take care of him and I like you so please stop calling me wikipedia. That was really sweet and I'm dying to hear from Callen and sam

Sam: alright, I'll go first. Deeks I never liked you. It took me four years to warm up to you and once ok gave you a chance I realized that your a good person. I thought of you as an idiot surfer which I'm not denying that you are but now I value you as a person and I'm glad we met, but if you hutrt her I'll kill you

Deeks: that was actually touching big guy

Don't ruin it. Callen's up next

Callen: Ok, Deeks I consider kensi my little sister and even though she doesn't need it I feel like its my job to protect her so when you came along I didn't want you anywhere near her and your very immature. I thought you'd grow up after three kids but no. When I found out you guys were dating I respected your privacy and didn't ask questions but after a while I asked her what she saw in you and she said everything. You make her happy and she loves you unconditionally so you must be doing something right. Your the only person that keeps that smile on her face everyday and our family needed someone like you. This doesn't mean I won't murder you if you hurt her. We will continue to use you as our punching bag but that's all love

Deeks: so what your saying is you loved me from the start?

Callen: no, its not what I was saying at all

Fern they loved me from the start. Bring it in guys

He went and hugged Callen and sam. We were all laughing and having a great time when it came to the first dance. Deeks and I aren't the best dancers but he was so good at it. No stepping on my foot or anythimg and the entire time he was making me laugh so much. It was so perfect, I looked over and saw skylar sitting alone at the table so I brought her over to dance with us

Deeks: what's going on kiddo?

Skylar: nothing daddy, I'm ok

Sky if this has anything about me being shot its not your fault and nobody blames you. If my mom died under suspicious circumstances I would want to find out what happened. There is nothing you could do to make us love you any less. Your our daughter and we love you

Skylar: if I had just listen and leave it alone you wouldn't have got hurt. Your baby died because of me

You can't put that on yourself. This was not your fault, you didn't pull the trigger or ask anyone to. Your my baby too so don't distance yourself from us. Have fun, go dance with that boyfriend of yours. Stop blaming this incident on yourself because it is in no way your fault

Skylar: I thought you and dad were mad at me

Deeks: I was mad at you but not for trying to solve your mom's case. You turned all of my white clothes pink when you did the laundry. Skylar stop blaming yourself for things you can't control. We love you no matter what

Skylar: mom aunt amber wasn't entirely right. This wasn't fake for me, I love you and I love my daddy, I love Brandon and Bella. Our family means the world to me

I know, at first I did have my doubt's but I know your heart and your heart is not yet healed but your working on it. Now that all the people involved in Sarah's death are either dead or in prison you can move on. We all can, were all a couple of healing hearts and the recovery process is long and hard but we'll make it because we have each other

Skylar: that's true. Since it's summer break and your off on your honeymoon can I go spend the week in washimgton with the NCIS team? Before I met you guys they were my family and they still are. I miss them more than ever and Ziva said I can stay with her for as long as I like once I'm not running away. Its a learning experience and I'll be good

I think its a good idea but before we go to Hawaii we're taking you ourselves

Skylar: not necessarily, aunt amber is going for two weeks and she said carter and i could tag along. Brandon and Bella can come with us since they were supposed to babysit and sofia said she will help with that. Mom its going to be a fun trip and we're in good hands

Only because I'm in such a good mood but Brandon and Bella will stay with my mom. She says she needs the company, you go enjoy yourself and we will do the same

Deeks: not until I get one dance

Skylar: really daddy?

Deeks: yes really, one dance won't hurt and kensi has everyone waiting to dance with her so she'll be fine for a few short minutes

Skylar: let's hope you can keep up old man

Deeks: old? I'll show you old

I watched as they had the most fun together dancing around having the time of their lives, he danced with my mom next then his mom while I shared a few dances with Callen, sam and Eric. It was one of the best days of my life but it wasn't over yet. When it came time for us to ciut the cake it got messy. We had so much fun, most of us ended up being covered in cake playing around and having fun. At the end of the night everyone waved goodbyenas we left off for the beautiful hawaii

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