You and I

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Kensi's POV

I woke up laying on deeks chest with skylar over us and I asked "what are you doing?"

Skylar: I wanted to ask dad something but since he's asleep it can wait. Are you feeling ok?

I'm fine sky, the doctor has me on a lot of pain medication so right now I feel fine. Mom what are you doing?

Julia: checking my messages. Kensi is it ok if I take skylar with me today? Since your alright I wanted to take her to the mall for some dress she kept telling me about. We can make a day of it

I'm not the parent, you'll have to ask deeks.

Mom shook deeks until he woke up then she said "could skylar spend the day with me today?"

Deeks: sure, you know you could have just asked kensi. She's been helping me with sky since I got her

Julia: she didn't think that would be ok with you. I'll return her later tonight

She left with my mom and deeks and I just laid there for a while

Deeks: fern I've been thinking, since skylar likes having you around and we spend most nights together what do you think about making it official by moving in together? When you get out of here you'll need help and I want us to have more times like this instead of falling asleep together on my couch or your couch we could wake up next to each other in bed

Deeks before we take things too fast you should see how sky feels about this, she's ok now but we're already moving too fast and she might not be ok with this

Deeks: we will talk to her later tonight but until then its just you and me

We continued kissing and stayed that way for a while, he kissed my neck which made me laugh how much it tickled and we were sharing a long and passionate kiss when we heard people clearing their throats, I looked up to see Callen, sam, Eric and Nell standing there smiling

Nell: you guys owe me fifty bucks. I hope we're not interrupting anything

Deeks: I think we're past that right now

Nell: we're here for kensi, ypou never called to update us on her condition but we can see you two were busy. She's fine

Yeah, I'm good but it was really sweet of all of you to come visit me. I'm wondering when I get to go home because I feel fine

Sam: that's the drugs talking, you took a bullet to the stomach kensi and its only been a day, your staying at least a week then your staying where someone can take care of you at home. No arguments, this conversation is over

Ok dad (everyone laughed) I know your just looking out for me, its actually really sweet of you and I know I have to stay a while

Callen: where's you mom?

She took sky to the mall, mom loves doing that stuff so I'm sure she's enjoying having someone to go dress shopping with. Dresses we're never my style and neither was shopping

Deeks: that's because you were too interested in being a tomboy, hunting and shooting at things when normal girls are thinking about dresses and boys

My dad was fun to hang out with and I loved all that stuff. He was away a lot so I enjoyed every second I could with him, he was a pretty cool dad and I was daddy's little girl

Sam: your mom mentioned that

We spent the day talking and I enjoyed their company, then later that evening my mom brought skylar back along with enough Chinese food and beers for everyone and we continued our night

Skylar: kensi is this your first time being shot?

First time without having on a vest and it sucks. I'm usually the one who never gets shot

Julia: which school do you attend?

Skylar: Harvard-Weatlake, its a nice school but the girls there don't like me for some reason

Julia: girls are complicated, it could be over the fact that your pretty or smart or it could just be no reason at all. You seem like a nice person

Skylar: I am, I've learned to ignore them and I have my sisters with me so I'll be ok now. Dad I can't miss another day from school so are you taking me home tonight?

Deeks: aren't you going to stay with xavier and amber?

Skylar: no, that wasn't the plan. I want to go home and I'm old enough to stay home alone if your planning on staying here

Deeks: your not staying home alone so you can forget that idea

Go take her home, I'll be fine here and I know you'll be back early in the morning. Its after ten, she should be in bed for school tomorrow

Deeks: I'll see you in the morning then

Skylar: bye

We all said goodbye, then they left. I spent seven days in the hospital and deeks stayed by my side everyday, he arranged for skylar to stay with sam and his wife so he wouldn't have to leave me alone. It was now time for me to go home so deeks got all my things and he drove me over to his place where we sat on the couch with skylar

Skylar: I feel like your about to give me a lecture

Its not a lecture sky, we just want to talk to you about something

Skylar: ok then, let's talk

Deeks: as you know fern and I have been spending a lot of time together and we have a relationship now. We wanted to take another big step by living together and a decision like that affects you as well so what I'm trying to ask is if your ok with kensi moving in?

Skylar: you love her and she loves you so if your ready to live together then I'll be supportive. Daddy I love kensi and another girl in the house would be fun. When are you moving in?

We didn't make a date because I wanted to be sure you'd be ok with this

Skylar: he's my dad but you loved him first and your nice to me, you treat me like I'm your kid too and that's one of the main reasons why I love you. I know your not trying to replace my mom but your like a second mom to me. I hope you don't think this is weird

I don't, your a good kid and I love you too

Deeks: This is going to be a nice change for all of us, finally being a family, just the three of us

I love it already

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