Chapter twenty six | I'm sorry

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Alexis P.O.V











As my throws kept going on the feeling of finally being able to train was exhilarating. Heart pounding and breath punching out of my lungs while my muscles screamed from the pressure, it was perfect.

I could feel my wolf strenghten from the use of my muscles and as she howled and scratched to get out I had to keep focussed on the task so as to not let her out.

Payne dodged and predicted every move I made and he even threw in a few of his own every once in a while for me to dodge. His silver/grey eyes held mine and as I met his eyes with the same fierce concentration the moment seemed crystal clear.

The both of us fighting. For once, my fighting back and both of us determined to put out the other. After hours of the same punches, dodges and kicks I felt proud to know that I was now capable of fighting for myself.

Its all I've ever wanted really. To learn to fight back. To for once be in control of myself and a situation, be independent and not weak.

Keeping my mind focussed his punches began to slow down and his palms were only up to defend himself as I kept punching.

Thinking that this part was to focus soley on my punches I drew my attention to his palms and kept up my punches.

This was great. My knucles hurt like hell but this was fun.
Payne surprisingly was a great teacher and he made sure to take his time with each new thing he thought me. No punishments for anything.

It happened so fast I only knew it when I fell flat to the ground.

Our fall happened like any stupid accident would, Payne moving his palms, taking my fist and moving his feet between my legs so I would lose balance. It worked, but as he had thought me before the punches, I tackled him. Or, in better words I pulled him down with me.

The word tackle would most likely mean that I did some fancy move and got him on the ground before me. Turns out my pull by the shoulders and kick in the knee only made it to me pulling his shoulders. My legs did bend however, but they didn't make it to his knees, it did however make it between....

Thats when the loud groan/ scream covered the sound of us hitting the ground occured.

I was crushed under him and I was well aware of where my knees were. However, we were both unable to move. With my knees in Payne's private area, he tried his best not to move to make the situation worse whereas I was being crushed and probably turning blue thanks to the heavy man lying untop of me.

This is a nightmare.

A total complete bloody nightmare!

"I... am .. soooo .. sorry!" I yelled over his groans of pain and as for a responce he merely nodded his head.

A few second passed by and as though he had gotten some relief Payne rolled off of me and landed next to me lying on his back. Both hands on his crotch.

"I'm sorry." I explained again as I rose onto my knees and examined him. I knew better than to touch him. Especially as he was in so much pain and it was clear from the way his face was contorted.
His lip piercing ever present.

Vincent TerritoryWhere stories live. Discover now