Fifty-Three || Lookout Point

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|| Lookout Point

"Am I really the only one still at school?"

Jacy held her phone to her ear, managing to get service in the Preserve. "I think so, Scott. Any sign of the small one?"

"Actually, I just got a call from Garrett," Scott gave a worried sigh. "He's done something to him."

Jacy closed her eyes, Derek not too far from her. "Oh, god."

"I was hoping you were still here. He wants me to meet him, and I know Stiles and Lydia are at Eichen."

"Hang on," Jacy said before lowering her phone. She looked back to Derek, "Hey, I have to help Scott. It'll only take a little bit but I'll come back to help you-"

"Don't worry about it," Derek assured. He gave a soft nod, "Go."

"I'll text you so you can tell me where you are." Jacy backed up, putting her cell to her ear again. "Okay, where are you?"

"By the entrance of the school."

"You're gonna have to be more specific. Teleportation doesn't really work when it comes to a general area." Jacy leaned into Derek's car, rifling through her bag. "Go to the school sign, okay?"


Jacy took two steps, suddenly changing from the forest floor to concrete. Touching the stone sign, she was at the high school. Glancing down to her favored boots, she found dust from nowhere in particular. Leaning on the sign, she wiped off the grey before looking up.

Scott had wide eyes, lowering his phone as he stood 20 feet away. "Holy-"

Jacy pocketed her phone in the back of her light was jeans, heading for Scott. "Close your mouth, McCall or you'll catch flies."

"Sorry, I've just never seen you, you know, that." Scott put away his cell, starting to walk with her towards the buses. "That's by far the coolest thing I've ever seen."

"It's slowly ruining my shoes," Jacy told him as she flipped down the half up collar of her Army green jacket. "I don't know why, but there's always dust."

"I wish I could teleport," Scott said in a laugh.

Their joint grins died down, the yellow buses that signified the corrupted American school system coming into view.

Scott stepped carefully, Jacy slightly behind. Each glancing around, they slipped between the buses where the blond assassin waited.

"Okay, what do you want?" Scott asked. "You want me to go to Stilinski? I can do that. Or I can talk to my father. He's an FBI agent."

Garrett laughed, glancing between the wolves. "You think I want you talking to anyone with a badge? I'm not getting to help from werewolves because I want them to talk to someone."

"Then what are we supposed to do?" Jacy sharply asked.

She couldn't help but think about Liam, thrown into the supernatural world only to be hurt by it at the hands of an assassin. She wanted to save him, no matter the risk.

"They're transferring Violet to a Federal facility." Garrett pointed the end of the hybrid lacrosse stick at Scott specifically. "You're not gonna let that happen."

"How?" Scott asked.

"They're going to put her in a car," Garrett told Scott. "We're going to follow it. We get ahead of it. You stop it."

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