Chapter Three

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The constant annoying ring of my alarm clock woke me from my peaceful slumber. I rolled over to the other side of my bed and hit the snooze button hoping to bed a couple minutes extra sleep; nope. My mum came in with her 'wake up time stuff' as she called it which consists of a frying pan and a wooden spoon. 

"Nicole, if you don't get out of bed now I will be forced to play you my wonderful morning song that I wrote for you." I groaned and pulled the pillow over my head. 

"Right, that's it." That's when I heard the god awful 'morning song beginning tune', she came closer to my bed. God no, don't sing the song! Don't do it! 

"It's time to get up in the morning." NOOOO! 

"ALRIGHT IM UP! IM UP!" I shouted, making my mum stop her awful tune and her tone deaf singing.

After my mum had left my room I swung my legs from my warm mattress and walked over to my wardrobe. What to wear? Hmmmm, something casual but not to casual so people think I'm poor but also something stylish but not as in 'look at me, I'm a slut.' I decided on wearing my skinny black ripped jeans along with my baggy Sleeping With Sirens T-Shirt and my signature white Nike Blazers. I stripped down and walked into my bathroom so I could have an ultra quick shower; I don't really want to be late on my first day.

After i had got dried and changed i looked in the mirror. I need to look presentable today but not looking like I got attacked by a crayon factory like most girls do. I went casual with my make up, pale foundation, black eyeliner and mascara. Yeah that'll be fine. My blonde/black hair was left in its normal wavy ringlets down my back. 

"It's 8:15. Hurry up!" Oh shit! I'm gonna be late! On my first day?! I jumped up from my seat and picked up my black rucksack from the corner of my room; I'm so glad I packed my bag early. I raced down the stairs to e attacked by hugs and kisses from my parents wishing me a 'good luck' at my first day at school before they shoved me out the front door. Well here goes nothing.

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