Chapter Ten

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Authors Note,

Hey readers, as you can tell I haven't been updating much :/ sorry, I have been under alot of stress with my exams and my bitch of an English teacher; Mrs Holt, trust me she's a bitch! Anyway just wanted to apologise for not updating, so I will be updating soon :)

Love you,

TheBookNerd1 <3

Hahaha I'm joking, here is chapter 10 :)<3




The constant roar of the motorbike came to an end; at long last. I peeked my head around Niall's strong muscular body to see where he had taken me. The name read 'Dean's Diner', hmm sounds familiar.

"You know to go in the restaurant you actually have to let go of me and get off the bike." Niall chuckled, his laughter vibrated through his whole body, sending chills down my back; the good kind. I blushed and pried my hands away from his toned body; wait, what the hell am I thinking?! Niall is an arrogant prick just like all the other 'bad boys' I have met, but man does he look good, FUCKING HORMONES! I apologised and hopped from the bike into the pavement. After a few minutes I could hear Niall's footsteps advancing towards me, a big hand lifted my chin to look into his crystal blue eyes.

"Hey, I didn't say I didn't like it, but I'm kinda hungry at the moment, but afterwards we can do whatever you want." He said with his stupid smirk plastered on his face. I just rolled my eyes and walked into the restaurant with Niall hot on my heels.

As soon as we entered we were immediately seated. We sat at a window table, it had a clear view of the crummy car park and to the far left was a forest.

"Here are your menus, Karen will be your waitress this evening." The woman waddled away from us and back over to the front of the restaurant. I was scanning over the menu and found...cheese fries?! I NEED them!

"There's no need to shout Nicole." Niall said stifling a laugh, oh crap. Did I sat that out loud?

"Yes, yes you did." Fucking brilliant, now I can't even keep my thoughts to myself. What an idiot!

"Hello I'm Karen, I will be your waitress this evening, what can I get you sweetcheeks?" She asked Niall cheekily. But he didn't respond how I thought he would, he looked right at me and asked,

"What would you like babe?" Are you kidding me? Oh well, I'll play along.

"Um, just some cheese fries please." I smiled at him. I heard a disgusted sound to my side.

"What drink?" She asked rather rudely

"Hmmm..." I said, looking through the menu.

"OH MY GOD! COKE FLOAT!" she sneered her nose up at me and Niall flashed me a toothy general smile; his smile is gorgeous!

"I will have the same as my lady here." Karen walked off muttering curse words under her breath, when she was out of ear shot Niall and I burst out laughing.

Our food was amazing! I will defiantly be going there again soon. Niall had just paid the bill an we left a little note for Karen on the table; let's just say she's going to take a while cleaning it up. We walked outside into the now nippy cold air. There was about 10 people crowding around where Niall had parked his bike, I could feel him tense up beside me. Niall looked to me and then to his bike, he took my small hand in his an held into it tightly.

"Whatever happens stay close and do whatever I say, got it?" I have him a wide eyes nod and leaned closer into his body as we approached the gang.

"Ah Niall, I thought this was your bike, how have you been?" Niall glared at the skin head man. I stayed quiet and watched the confrontation going on before my eyes.

"Oh, how rude of me, you have a lady present, my name is Max. And I'm sure we will get along just fine." He said taking a step towards me, Niall tensed up and I looked away. Max chuckled and then stopped.

"Horan. You still haven't delivered my order and I'm getting pissed, remember our deal?" Niall sighed,

"I can have it to you by Sunday afternoon." Max grinned,

"Meet in the forest at 5pm don't be late, and bring your girl, she may be useful." Max said stroking my cheek, I cringed into Niall's side, he pulled me behind him and towered over Max.

"Don't you fucking touch her."

"Oh a little protective aren't we Horan?" Max's gang were now surrounding us, I put my back against Niall'a and gripped his hand tightly. My breathing was becoming erratic as I'm claustrophobic.

"Niall I can't breathe." I whispered in his ear, he heard me and said quickly,

"We'll be there." Max grinned and backed away taking his gang with him. That was the last thing I remembered before I heard Niall shout my name and then everything went black.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя