Chapter Seven

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Really? Niall? The one person I really didn't want to see is sat in the seat next to me. God help me.

The car ride was silent, the only noise was the constant hum of the engine. At long last we eventually parked in front of the school. I hurriedly jumped out of the car and slammed the door walking towards my art class.

"Nicole, wait! You forgot your bag!" I turned around not noticing the voice was Irish to see Niall running towards me with a smirk and my bag in his hand. I went to take my bag away from him but he moved it away from my grasp. Urg. 

"We're still going on our date tonight right? And don't say no, cause I now know where you live." Really? He's using this against me. I guess one date will be alright. 

"Fine." With that he returned my bag and I walked away to art class while he followed after me.

Again I sat at the back of the art class with Niall to my left and Martha and Harry on my right. I have no idea what to draw today! Damn that's a first. I sat there staring at my canvas until Niall spoke up. 

"You know you don't stare at it, you draw on it." I turned to face him and he was wearing that stupid smirk on his perfect lips. Wow what the fuck did I just think? Niall is annoying and arrogant, and I don't like him. Do I? The door creaked open disturbing mine and Niall's intense stare at each other. A boy walked in. But not any old boy. His name is Clint. He is such a jerk, we used to go out when I lived back in London, but he was abusive and he cheated on me loads. When I dumped him I was basically a punching bag, he left me on the floor to die. I wished I had.

Mrs Howard was debating where to seat Clint. Please not near me. Nowhere near me. Obviously someone hates me right now as she sat Clint right in front of me. Oh god. His dark brown eyes met my green ones. A sinister smile edged its way onto his lips. I'm dead. I'm so dead. I moved my gaze to my lap. I may have only been 15 when it happened, but he affected my life drastically. I would starve myself so I could be thin like he told me to, I had to wear revealing clothes when I was around him and he always would tell me things to hurt my feelings, say I was a slut and a whore, that I deserved to die. I was so glad when we got away from him, but he's found me again, this time I don't think I'm going to get away as lucky.

Martha noticed my closed posture as shuffled closer to me and asked, 

"Hey hun, what's wrong? Ever since that dude has come in you look as if someone has shoved a pole up your ass." I smiled, she knows how to make me feel better. My smile faded as Clint and his abusive ways came back into my mind. I should tell Martha, she's my best friend, and maybe she could help me. I exhaled, better now then never, 

"His name is Clint, we used to go out when I lived back in London. I was 15 when we got together." I said fiddling with my fingers. 

"What's so bad about that, he's your ex, so what?" Martha pushed me. I sighed, 

"He used to force me to do stuff with him and when I refused he would hit me. I had to change to be with him. I starved myself so I could be the perfect thin girlfriend he wanted, I had to wear revealing clothes when I was around him. When I dumped him, he almost beat me to death, he left me in an alleyway to die. That's partly why I moved here, but now he's found me and he's going to kill me." I had tears streaming down my face by now, I never once looked up at Martha, I was ashamed. 

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch." Martha stood up and was about to smack Clint over the head with her canvas when Harry stood up and took her outside to calm down. It's probably for the best. I don't want anyone caught up in my shit.

I turned back to my canvas and picked up my paintbrush and began painting. I was painting about the pain and abuse I had felt when I was with Clint. I had painted a bloody girl laying to the floor with her golden hair spread around the floor with a dark man standing over her with blood dripping from his knuckles. Someone clearing their throat tore my gaze away from my painting. I looked to my left and saw Niall's gaze shifting between my painting and my face. 

"Um, that's quite an imagination you've got there." I gave him an 'are you stupid' look. And then answered, 

"Yeah if only it was my imagination." I mumbled, not thinking that Niall would hear, but obviously today just really isn't my day at all. 

"What? You mean someone did this to you?!" He was standing now, his once liquid blue eyes had turned hard like rock, his hands were clenched his bone breaking fists and he was shaking head to toe with anger. I don't know why but I felt the need to be with him and calm him. I jumped up from my seat and placed one hand on Niall's chest and another on his right fist, and I said comforting words in his ear.

After 2 minutes Niall eventually calmed under my presence. His eyes were closed and when he eventually opened them they had returned to their liquid blue state. Once I was satisfied that Niall was calm I returned back to my seat and carried on with my painting.

The bell for second period rang and I packed up my belongings and began to walk to the door when someone grabbed my arm and tugged my back. It was Niall. 

"I'll walk you to your next class." I thought about that for a second. Walk with Niall who is dangerous but makes me feel safe, or walk alone and probably walk into Clint. My mind was made up. I nodded. We walked through the corridors I was about to make conversation when someone called Niall's name. 

"I'll be right back." I nodded and walked further into the canteen and towards my locker. I could see Niall and his mates, Zayn, Liam and Louis? I think. Owell I needed my history book from my locker so I put in my code and grabbed my book.

I shut my locker and came face to face with Clint. Oh no. He pushed me up against my locker and put his face just inches from mine. I refused to look at him. His hands were on my waist, I couldn't do anything I was frozen with fear.  

"Did you miss me baby?" I shuddered. 

"Silent treatment ay? This could be fun." I began to weap. 

"Shut your fucking mouth you slut." He slapped me across the face. I screamed out in pain and fell to the floor. I heard the sound of running feet. Just before Clint could kick me someone knocked him to the floor. 

I got out of my fetal position to see the familiar blond quiff. Niall. 





I can't take this anymore. 

"Niall stop."  


"Niall stop!" 



This time I had an answer he turned to me, when he saw my distressed manner he jumped off Clint and wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"You ever go near her again and I will kill you." And with that we walked down the corridor to History leaving a cut up Clint on the canteen floor.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang