Chapter Five

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His eyes captured mine with such intensity I thought I was going to die. I looked over at the rest of this 'Niall' person, he was wearing black skinny jeans with a white Ramones T-Shirt. And white Nike Blazers, like mine. His arms were covered in tattoos and he had blonde hair with brown roots; he probably dies his natural hair colour. Everything about him screamed danger to me but I couldn't help but be drawn to him, he was like the Negative to my Positive magnet.

I weaved through the many easels and careless students, towards the back of the classroom with Martha. 

"Hey, we don't really do anything in art. Basically it's a free period, but you can draw if you want. Everything in front of you is yours." I thanked Martha and put my new things into my rucksack and stared at the sketch pad. What to draw? Without thinking I picked up the pencil that was in front of me and began drawing. I hadn't really been thinking about what I was drawing until I laid my pencil back down. Oh. I had drawn 2 dragons that fit together like a puzzle. As I looked more closely at my drawing I realised it looked rather similar to the 'Ying and Yang' but in dragon form. I don't really know what time the lessons finished and Martha was kind of 'busy' with Harry, (Not in the way you dirty readers! :O I meant kissing!) and I didn't really want to disturb them so I went back to my drawing.

It must already be the end of the lesson as people were packing away their paints and walking out of the classroom. I didn't want to be late again to my next class so I hurriedly packed away my pencils and carried my big sketch pad out of the classroom and into the sea of teenagers that was the corridor.

I decided that I didn't mind being late to math as I was actually crap at it and decided to find my locker instead. I remember the woman in the office telling me it was in the cafeteria. After aimlessly walking around the school trying to find the cafeteria, I stumbled across a sign that said 'Cafeteria.' God I feel like such an idiot! When I entered the cafeteria I saw there were hundreds of tables and chairs; it probably wouldn't hold half of the people at this school. I walked along the lockers in search of my own and found it; number 108 the last one on the far right in the middle row, well at least I can reach it. I entered my code and shoved my art stuff in, no need to be carrying it around as I don't have art until tomorrow. I slammed my locker door shut and started walking towards the math block.

As I was walking I ended up in the...History Block? How the fuck did I end up here?! I looked at the map again. Oh for Christ sake! I've been holding the fucking map upside down the whole time! I was interrupted from my self inflicted war when someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face them. I screamed, not knowing what else to do. A hand slapped itself over my mouth and pushed me against the lockers, with a towering body preventing me from escaping. The persons hand removed itself from my mouth when I stood still. I looked up at my advancer and saw piercing blue eyes. Niall?

"Yes love, it's me. I didn't mean to frighten you. Your new here, right?" He asked in his adorable Irish accent. 

"You scared the shit out of me! And yes I am new here, what's it to you?" Niall looked taken aback. What? Can you blame me? He virtually attacked me! The his lips turned upwards into a smirk. 

"I like 'em feisty. What's your name babe?" Ew seriously? Is he hitting on me? He's only just met me! 

"Nicole, and your Niall, right?" I wanted to seem confident, nothing about him scared me, I just don't like cocky arrogant pricks. 

"Yeah, I like it when you say my name. I'm taking you out for dinner tomorrow, and wear something sexy. I'm picking you up at 7." And with that he turned around and walked the opposite direction.

What the fucking hell just happened?!

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin