Chapter Thirteen

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Niall quickly got changed and lead me outside to his bike.

“Oh crap, I left my keys in my flat. Stay here.” I nodded at Niall and watched him ran back into the block of flats. It hadn’t even been a couple of minutes after Niall left when I heard people shouting over at me. I didn’t dare turn around.

“Oi sexy, come ‘ere and give us a smooch.” I turned my nose up in disgust; still facing away from the creeps.

“Don’t ignore me, c’mon lets go to my flat and we can have some fun.” By now 2 men were right behind me and one started touching my arm. That was it. I jumped away from them; I’m not taking this shit!

“What the fuck do you think your doing?!” he gave me a smirk, not a cute one like Niall’s, but a disgusting one which looked like he was saying ‘hey I’m gonna rape ya!’

“Trying to get some slag in my bed, got a fucking problem whore?” oh hell no!

“What the fuck did you just call me?! You don’t know a fucking thing about me! Now why don’t you piss off before I kick you in your tiny penis and make you infertile!” the man held up his hands and laughed,

“oh girly, the only time you would be touching my penis is when we’re inside my flat having good old fashioned sex.” He said whilst stalking towards me, I didn’t realise the other man was behind me until I backed into him.

“C’mon hun, I can make you feel good.” Ew. That is fucking vile. He reached out his hand to touch my face until I slapped it away and gave him a stone hard glare.

“Don’t. Touch. Me.” He again tried to grab me,

“I said don’t fucking touch me you jackass!” he still didn’t get the picture.

“hey, what the fuck are you doing to my girl Carlos?” as ‘Carlos’ was distracted I took the liberty of stamping on his toe and leaned down I kneed him in the balls and then punched him in the face. Yeah don’t mess with me bitch! I heard Niall laughing from behind me so I skipped over to his side where he wrapped his arm around my waist.

“Don’t go near my girl again Carlos, or I will let Nicole do that again and I will make you end up in the hospital. Got it?” Carlos’ eyes widened in fear as he and his friend ran away.

“Yeah you better fucking run Carlos, afraid you will be beaten by a girl again?!” I yelled after him. Niall burst into hysterics, and I couldn’t help it, I joined in too. After we had finally clamed down Niall kissed the top of my forehead and said,

“you know seeing a girl beat up a full grow man is pretty impressive,” he said out loud, then he lowered his head down to my ear and whispered,

“And really hot too.” This made the hair stand up on my neck and cause goose bumps to form all over my body. God, what is this boy doing to me?!

“C’mon, I’ll take you home.” I nodded and followed Niall over to his bike.



~skipping the ride home; cause I really can’t be asked to write it~



Niall stopped outside my house and I was glad that my parents were away as they would kill me for even going near a motorbike, let alone riding one (ooooo cheeky) I said goodbye to Niall and I started to walk up my pathway when Niall stopped me.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now