Chapter Fifty

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Fuck I can't believe this! Martha's in labour. When I told Nicole her eyes bulged out of her sockets and she started freaking out.
"But it's too early. Martha isn't supposed to give birth for another 3 weeks. Oh god." I kept a firm grip on Nicole and made her look into my eyes.
"Everything is going to be fine Nicole. Calm down. Martha and Harry need us there." Nicole started to calm down and her emerald eyes stared back at me confidently.
"Ok I'm calm. Can we go now?" I nodded my head and grabbed the keys to my motorbike. We scampered down the flights of stairs and out into the cold morning. Nicole shivered and I instantly bought her closer to my body. When we finally reached my motorbike I hopped on and revved the engine. I didn't feel Nicole behind me so I turned and saw her smirking at me.
"Nothing." She hauled her leg over the bike and sat down.
"You better hold on tight spider monkey." I huskily whispered to her as I revved the engine again and we were flying down the road.


Another painful contraction rippled through my body.
"AGHHHHHHHHH!" I was sat at home waiting for Harry to finish loading the car. I stood up and panted. Fuck, this is painful. Harry ran through the front door and started pulling me outside. Harry was wearing black joggers with a white v neck t-shirt. I gave myself a once over to see what I was wearing. Are you fucking serious?! I'm wearing a nightie that my grandma would wear.

Harry helped me into the car and shut the door. I heard him swear and then jump into his side and start the engine.
"Don't forget the breathing exercises Martha. Deep breath in, deep breath out." I smiled weakly and took his advice.

~skipping to inside the hospital~

"Help, over here. My girlfriend is in labour!" Harry shouted as soon as we reached the reception.
"I'm sorry sir, but were quite busy at-" Another contraction hit me, and this time it hurt like a bitch.
"AGHHHHH SON OF A BITCH!" I clutched my stomach and screwed my eyes shut in pain. I looked up to see the receptionist freaking out.
"Can I get a wheelchair over here?! Quickly!" Harry settled me in the wheelchair and pushed me into the labour ward.


Niall cut the engine and we immediately bolted into the hospital. Panting I asked the receptionist if Harry and Martha had already gotten here.
"Yes they arrived about half an hour ago. They're in the maternity ward. Number 9." I thanked the woman and Niall tugged on my arm and we ran to Martha's room.

4...5...6...7...8...9! Niall turned the handle and walked inside the small room. Harry was sat on a chair next to the hospital wearing a gleaming smile. I looked at Martha and she was lying in a hospital bed with a weak smile on her face and a bundle of blankets cradled in her arms. When we opened the door they must have heard us walk in as their heads snapped towards us. Harry waved us over and I quietly shut the door behind me.
"Hey." They smiled at us and we smiled back. Harry rose from his uncomfortable hospital chair and had a bro hug with Niall.
"Congrats mate."
"Thanks man." Harry moved over to me and hugged me and kissed my cheek.
"Congratulations Harry." I smiled as he released me.
"Thanks." I looked at Martha and she waved me over to her.
"Hey hun, you feeling ok?" I asked as I stood next to her.
"I'm good thank you, a bit sore, but good. Do you...Do you want to hold him?" Martha asked me whilst looking at the bundle of blankets. I nodded quickly and the baby was passed over to me. I held him close to my body and looked down at him. He's beautiful. He had bright green eyes which he had inherited from his dad, and dark chestnut hair which he had gotten from his mother.
"Oh he's beautiful." I said as I looked lovingly at the baby in my arms. I felt hands wrap around my waist and Niall rested his head on my shoulder from behind.
"Wow. He's gorgeous. He defiantly has your eyes Harry." Niall chuckled as he gazed at the child in my hold.
"Haha thanks man. Ur Martha, should we tell them now?" I looked up confused. Martha nodded and gestured for Harry to tell us.
"Well, we were wondering if you both wanted to be Joseph's god parents?" I looked at Niall and he was wearing the same expression that I was; shock. Without hesitating Niall and I agreed. This is amazing, I have a god child. I looked at Niall and he looked at me.
"How do you feel god mother Nicole?"
"I feel amazing god father Niall."

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