Chapter Twelve

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I could feel myself being ripped away from my peaceful slumber; wait I didn’t go to sleep, I fainted. I slowly opened my eyes and adjusted to the light in the room. I sat up, I’m in bed; wait this isn’t my bed! Whose fucking bed am I in?! I jumped from the bed and fell on the floor with a thud.

“ow. Fuck that really hurt.” I mumbled to myself. The sound of running feet advancing towards me scared the crap out of me, instinctively I hid under the bed not wanting to be caught by my kidnapper. The door opened and 2 big feet were right in front of my face. I stopped breathing.

“Nicole, where are you?” said my kidnap- hang on, wait I know that voice! Omg its Niall! I’m such a twat! I crawled out from under the bed and grabbed Niall’s leg. I’m guessing Niall didn’t see me as he jumped 10 feet in the air whilst screaming like a girl. I couldn’t hold in my laugh, it was just too funny! He scowled down at me; I’m guessing he didn’t find it funny.

“Why are you under my bed?” he gave me a really weird look, crap I’ve pissed him off.

“I…um…I couldn’t remember what happened and…I got scared. I’m sorry.” Niall bent down and helped me from the floor and cradled me in his strong arms.

“Its ok, your safe here, you don’t have to be scared.” Is it really bad that out of the few days of knowing Niall he is really caring towards me? Owell he’s really sweet but he also has that whole bad boy image going on that intrigues me.

Niall lead us into his living room and turned on the TV; guess what turned on, MTV! Omg I love this channel!

“What do you want to watch?”

“Leave this on!” I screamed at Niall, he looked taken aback and then a cheeky grin made its way onto his face.

“Ok, well you can watch this whilst I go and take a shower, unless you want to come with me?” I raised my eyebrow at him; are you serious?!

“Keep dreaming Horan.” I said rolling my eyes.

“Oh trust me, I do.” He gave me a wink and turned on his heels towards his bathroom. Jesus, is this guy for real? Yeah he may be cute and all, but I’ve only known him a couple of days.

I went into the kitchen to get a glass of water when the song ‘Sk8er Boi’ by Avril Lavigne started to blast through the apartment. Squealing I ran into the living room. Whilst singing the lyrics.

“He was a boy,

She was a girl,

Can I make it anymore obvious?

He was a punk.

She did ballet.

What more can I say?

He wanted her.

She’d never tell,

Secretly she wanted him aswell.

And all of her friends,

Stuck up their nose.

And they had a problem with his baggy clothes.”


I jumped onto the coffee table with the remote in my hand and continued to belt out the lyrics.


“He was a skater boy, she said ‘see ya later, boy.’

He wasn’t good enough for her.

She had a pretty face but her head was up in space.

She needed to come back down to earth.


Five years from now, she sits at home feeding the baby,

She’s all alone.

She turns on TV and guess who she sees?

Skater boy rockin’ up MTV.

She calls up her friends.

They already know.

And they’ve all got tickets to see his show.

She tags along, stands in the crowd.

Looks up at the man that she turned down.


He was a skater boy, she said ‘see ya later, boy’.

He wasn’t good…”


I stopped, just as I was about to air guitar I saw Niall smirking at me from the doorway. Oh my freaking god!


I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I looked in the mirror and ruffled my wet hair; meh it’ll be alright. I opened the bathroom door and my ears were filled with the lyrics ‘Sk8er Boi’, by Avril Lavigne, however there was another voice that didn’t belong to Avril Lavigne; is that Nicole? I walked out of the bathroom and over to the doorway of the living room. Nicole was jumping around on my coffee table, waving her hips around and flicking her hair whilst belting out the lyrics into the remote control. Damn she’s hot. I suppressed a laugh and she continued to go crazy. Nicole just got to the chorus when she spun around and saw me. Her eyes widened and she turned crimson whilst jumping from the coffee table, sitting on the sofa and covering her face with her hair. I couldn’t help it, she was too adorable. I laughed and walked slowly over to her.

“You know that was really quite sexy, but next time I’ll be here to watch the whole thing.” I whispered in her ear. Nicole looked at me through her hair and then away again; she’s embarrassed!

“Um, I need to go home. I have some things to do.” Nicole murmured. She stood up and quickly walked towards the door.

“Hey wait, I’ll drive you home. Let me get changed quick.” She turned to me and nodded. I gave her a cheeky grin and a wink before running into my room to change.


Authors Note :)

Yeah sorry for the shit chapter but its basically a filler until the party :) woop woop! hope you enjoy reading this fanfiction and if you havent already, you can read my other fanfic called 'Give Me Love'. Leave comments and let me know what you think :)

Love ya,

NatalieMills244 <3

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now