Chapter Fifty Eight

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It was like someone had ripped out my heart and left me to die. Nicole is gone. Stolen away from me. And I honestly felt dead without her. I had called off the match, I didn't want to fight, not when my girl is missing.

I ripped open the door to my apartment to find everything in it's place. So no one had broken in and taken her. I searched around the whole apartment to see if I could find any trace of why she has been take from me.

I walked over to our bedroom door and hesitantly opened the door. It was the only room I hadn't checked yet. Everything looked exactly the same again. Fuck! I groaned and fell on the bed, my back hitting the mattress and my eyes shielding my face. I need to find Nicole. I can't live without her. I slammed my hands back down on the mattress and a piece of paper made my eyebrows furrow. What the hell? I picked up the price of folded paper and the top read

'Niall <3'

It was her handwriting. That's Nicole's handwriting! I quickly opened up the note and read her words.

My Niall,

You probably realise that I wasn't at your match. I'm so sorry. But I had to do this, I had to protect you. I cannot tell you where I am going but just realise that I had to do it, for Martha, for Harry, for Joseph and for you. I couldn't deal with the possibility of something happening to you, any of you. So I had to leave. Niall I know that you will come looking for me, but move on with your life, it's for the best. I never in my life wanted to leave you, I wanted us to have children and grow old together but that's not going to happen now. I love you Niall, I have for a very long time and I will never stop loving you. Forever and Always remember? You've saved me before Niall, now let me save you.

Forever Yours,
Nicole <3

I can't believe this! I don't need to be saved! I don't care what happens to me as long as Nicole is unharmed. Harry would never let anything happen to Martha or their baby. So why did she leave? Did she really think that she had no choice? I re-read the part of her writing about us having children and growing old together. Tears started to form in my eyes and I realised that it wasn't just me thinking about our future together, she was aswell. I could imagine our blonde/brown haired children running around the back garden whilst I sat on the patio with my gorgeous wife Nicole. However that image was ripped away when I read the next line; 'but that's not going to happen now.' It felt as if someone had shot me. This person who took my Nicole from me has taken my dreams and everything I live for. I have nothing.

As I finished reading the letter I let it drop from my hands back down on the bed. She wants me to move on with my life? I can't do that, I have no future without Nicole, she has changed me, changed me into a better person and I love her. Tears were streaming down my face and my anger was rising. I pushed up from the bed and paced around the room. Who? Who was it? Who would want revenge on me? Why would they want Nicole? The only person that I could think of was T-. Tom. That fucking bastard. I'll kill him. He's already taken my sister, now he wants me girl?! No. Never. Angrily I turned around and threw a punch into the wall. I'll be damned if even a single hair on her head is damaged. I removed my fist from the wall and flexed it. Watch out Tom.


The van skidded to a halt and I could hear the three men exit the van, the doors were slammed shut and it could hear their shoes clicking on the ground. A blinding light occurred when the back doors were torn open. When my eyes finally adjusted to the sudden light change I sighed and stepped out of the van. Immediately both of my arms were being held in the iron grips of Ts two men.
"I can fucking walk myself." Tom looked back and nodded at the men to release me. I rubbed my hands over the marks on my forearms that they had created by holding me so tight. I observed the scenery around me, there wasn't much to see as it was starting to get dark now. I could see a small house in the distance that looked rather run down, I wonder why. Oh yeah, it's because were in a fucking forest.

I was pushed forwards towards the old shack of a house and almost tripped over. Tom unlocked the front door and guided me inside. The outside was very much the same as the inside, the walls were falling apart, whenever you walked the floorboards creaked like someone moaning in distress. The furniture was brown and smelly and there were beer cans and food containers everywhere. I crinkled my nose in disgust as we passed the foul scene. I was lead down a walk way and then realised that I was alone with Tom. He stopped in front of another door which was again locked and isolated near the end of the house. Tom turned the key and opened the door. The smell that hit my nose made me walk back into Tom and he didn't like that very much. Tom threw me down the stairs and into the dark hole which I presume I would be calling my home.
I groaned in pain and looked up at the devil in the doorway.
"Goodnight princess." Tom cooed menacingly before slamming the door shut and locking it, plunging me into darkness once again.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now