Chapter Twenty Two

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My pillow beneath my head started to move. Hang on, that's not my pillow, it's Niall, I didn't even have to open an eye to know that. I groaned and tightened my arms around Niall's waist as he continued to squirm beneath me.
"Oh, sorry princess. I didn't mean to wake you. I'm hungry." Niall sweetly pecked my lips and hurriedly ran into the kitchen. I giggled under my breath of how stupid my boyfriend is. Wait, he's not my boyfriend. What even are we? All I know is that I love him with all my heart. I rolled out of bed and groaned, holding my stomach in pain. I picked up one of Niall's black shirts that were on the floor and tugged it over my head, so I was no longer naked. Stumbling into the kitchen I stood on the otherwise of the island whilst Niall cooked on the other side by the stove. Bacon and eggs filled my nostrils, my mouth watered and my stomach growled. A sharp pain shot through my stomach causing me to hiss in pain. Niall turned and saw the pain on my face before reaching into the cupboard above him and taking out 2 paracetamol before setting them in front of me along with a glass of water.
"Thanks." I mumbled quietly before quickly putting the tablets in my mouth and taking a big gulp of water.

I went to put my glass in the sink when I walked to the other side if the island I looked at Niall and realise he was still naked.
"Niall, your still naked!" I said wide eyed, trying not to look at his thing as he turned around. He chuckled and walked towards me pushing my back against the counter before whispering in my ear,
"Yes, I believe I am, but why aren't you princess?" I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks before looking deeply into his eyes.
"I'm wearing your t-shirt because I don't want my things hanging down." He gave a throaty chuckle and I pushed past him to check the breakfast in the pan.
"Niall, go and get changed, Martha text me earlier saying that she and Harry are coming over this morning." I heard Niall sigh and start to walk towards the bedroom but he quickly turned around and slapped my butt, causing me to squeal as he ran away.

I had just finished cooking Niall's breakfast when the front door opened and Martha and Harry wandered through.
"Hey girlfriend, how you doing?" Martha asked as she skipped over to my side, I wrapped her in a hug and told her I was fine. i looked over at Harry to see him sat on the sofa, surfing through the channels, Martha joined him and they sat cuddling together. Awh they're so cute together! I cooed in my head. A strong pair of arms wrapped around my waist from behind and his head rested on my shoulder.
"Hmmm...smell's good babe." I turned my head to the side and caught his lips with mine, before things could get too heated I pulled away.
"We have company." Niall furrowed his eyebrows and looked over to the living area to see Martha and Harry kissing.
"And? They won't care if I kiss my girlfriend." Oh my gosh, he just called me his girlfriend!
"You...want me to be your...girlfriend?" Niall nodded his head.
"Well, that's unless you don't want to be." I shook my head and pressed my lips to his sweetly.
"I would love to be your girlfriend." He smirked and lifted me up onto the island and walked in between my knees before pressing our foreheads together,
"Good, because I don't want anybody else." My heart swelled at this. He wanted me. Of all people, me. I couldn't help myself I locked my arms around his neck and crashed our lips together.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now