Chapter Fourty Five

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I skidded to a stop outside Harry's house and wasted no time I'm killing the engine and running to the door. Before I even got to knock, the door swung open to reveal Harry. He was wearing black skinny jeans and a grey Rolling Stones top.
"Stop staring and get in." I stepped around Harry and walked into his house.
"What's wrong Nic?" Harry asked, concern lacing his voiced as he shut the door and walked over to me. I couldn't contain myself anymore I turned to face Harry and tears spilled out of my eyes.
"Niall and I, we had sex. And he forgot to use a condom...a-and I said I'm too y-young to become a m-mo-mother." I bawled my eyes out. Harry's arms were around me in an instant.
"It's ok hun, what did Niall say?" My breathing came out ragged.
"He-he said t-that I should-d stop worrying a-and t-think about how-how this-s will r-ruin his rep-u-utation." I felt incredibly lightheaded and my knees gave out.
"NIC? NICOLE?! WHATS WRONG?" Harry caught my head before I hit it on the floor.
"P-pan-panic!" I stuttered, gasping for breath. I couldn't get any air to my lunges and I could feel myself drifting into unconsciousness. All of a sudden someone started banging furiously at the front door and as soon as it began it stopped. I could feel my eyes rolling into the back of my head. Then the door opened to reveal and incredibly pregnant Martha and a furious Niall. However as soon Niall saw the state I was in the fire in his eyes dropped and pooled with tears.
"Harry, what's wrong with her?" Martha panicked whilst hobbling over to me. My throat started to close and I started to see black spots.
"Nic, stay with me. It's ok breathe. Harry get her a paper bag." Niall took my head from Harry's lap and placed it on his own. I felt like a fish out of water, gasping for air. I fought to keep my eyes locked on Niall, however they continued to keep rolling to the back of my head.
"It's ok baby. You're fine. You're fine." Niall repeated whilst stroking my hair.
"Harry! Hurry up! She's about to pass out!" Harry came scrambling out of the kitchen with a brown paper bag in his hand. Niall snatched the bag from Harry and held it over my nose and mouth and told me to breathe deeply.
"Are you ok now?" I nodded my head when I felt my heart rate slow down. I slowly removed the brown bag from my mouth and exhaled loudly.
"Thank you. I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry."
"It's ok, just don't do it again. We'll give you a minute." Martha said as she dragged Harry by his elbow into their bedroom. I cautiously peered at Niall and he attacked me in a hug.
"Don't you ever do that to me again. You scared me to death!" Niall rushed as he still held me in his death grip.
"I'm sorry Niall. I just freaked out." I wrapped my arms around Niall and we stayed like that for a long time.
"Let's go home yeah?" I nodded and took Niall's hand as he hauled me from the ground. I followed Niall outside and realised that there was no other vehicle parked outside.
"How did you get here?" I asked whilst Niall opened the passenger door for me and closed it after I was inside. He opened the driver side and jumped in, starting the engine.
"I ran. You didn't think I would let you get away that easily, did you?" Looking deep within Niall's sea blue eyes I knew in my heart that his statement was true. He would never let me get away that easily. But I don't want to get away from him. Now I only fear that when I have to leave, he will never find me again.

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