Chapter Nineteen

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When we walked into the living area I saw the boys were exactly as I had left them 10 minutes ago. I looked to Martha and she had an evil smirk on her face, I copied her smirk and she pulled me into the bathroom.
"Want to play a prank on the boys?" Martha said evilly.
"Hell yeah!" I whisper yelled. We went through the plan step by step.

Step 1: scream (and when we say scream we mean like soul splitting)

Step 2: run and hide in Harry's closet.

Step 3: ready the nurf guns

Step 4: wait for the boys to run in

Step 5: attack!

It was time. Martha and I stood in the hallway right next to Harry's room where the boys couldn't see us. Martha nodded at me, 'ready?' She mouthed I smirked in response. '1'...'2'...'3'...
2 ear splitting scream were released, we quickly scrambled into Harry's closet as we heard the boys frantic footsteps pounding towards us.
"Nicole?!" Niall's frantic voice echoed around the apartment, not long after Harry's girlish scream for Martha. We held our nurf guns close to our faces, stifling laughs. As soon as Niall and Harry had their backs towards us we attacked.
"ATTACK!" Martha and I screamed before jumping out of the closet and shooting our boyfriends. Wait boyfriend? He hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet, he probably doesn't even like me that. I ignored what was being said in my head and kept shooting Niall. His face was priceless! As soon as Martha and I had run out of bullets Harry and Niall both shared an evil smirk. Oh fuck!
"RUN! SAVE YOURSELF!" Martha yelled at me whilst charging at Niall an Harry. I ran, I wasn't going to let Martha's act go without a fight.

I hid behind the sofa; great place to hide right? Not its shit I know. I heard footsteps walking slowly into the living room.
"I know your in here Princess." Oh shit. No not Niall! Martha couldn't you have taken out Niall?! Before I had a chance to even properly defend myself Niall had picked me up by my waist and thrown me over his shoulder.
"Agh! Niall stop! Put me down!" His throaty chuckle
"And why should I?" He asked cockily.
"Cause I'm going to break your shoulder." I laughed. Niall then threw me on the sofa and hovered over me,
"Are you saying your fat?" Niall questioned, his eyebrows pulling together in confusion.
"Um...well...ur...maybe?" I said, but it came out more as a question. Niall seemed to grow angry at my answer, his eyes were no longer liquid blue, instead they were cold and piercing, I couldn't look into them anymore so I turned my head.
"No look at me," I hesitantly looked at him.
"You are beautiful, everything about you. No one deserves you, no one can have you, except from me. Your mine. Your perfect." Again Niall made my heart flutter, no one has ever been so nice to me, whenever I spoke to Clint about my weight he would call me a fat cow and then starve me for days. If I asked him if I was beautiful he would hit me and buy me make up, he would buy me the sluttiest clothes to wear. He made me so vulnerable. Niall noticed my sudden mood changed and asked me what was wrong, I shook my head and told him I would tell him later.

- 30 minutes later -

"Fuck!" Niall exclaimed jumping up from the sofa, we were all squashed on one sofa watching Tangled.
"What's wrong?" I asked concerned.
"We have to meet Max remember?" I subconsciously tensed at his name, he gave me chills and not the good kind. Harry nodded and walked into his bedroom before returning with a package in his hands, he handed it to Niall and they both had a conversation with their eyes. I need to know what is in that package.
"We're coming with you." I looked to my right to see Martha grabbing my hand tightly, I suspiciously looked at her but she shook it off. Harry grabbed his keys off the counter before opening the door and ushering us out.
"We'll take my car." And with that we piled into the car and took off to meet Max in the forest. Something about this made my stomach turn and I'm guessing Martha felt it too because she gave me a worried look.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now