Chapter Fifty Five

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I collected my phone from our bedroom and looked at the message once again.


Hey babe.
Don't forget about today. Remember our deal, and if you don't show I will kill Niall instantly and then your friends. Oh yes, and I also know where Niall is fighting so don't run away.
I'll see you soon babe.

Tom x

Tears started to fill my eyes again but I didn't let them fall. No, I need to be strong. I pulled my jacket onto my body and pulled my green high tops onto my feet. I gazed around the apartment and realised how many good memories I have had here. The many, many times Niall and I had sex, goofing around with Martha, looking after little Joseph and just being with Niall overall.

I quickly looked down to see if the necklace still occupied the place on my chest. The pendant still hung proudly on my chest and I heavily sighed. I found a notepad on Niall's desk and I decided to leave him a goodbye note. I sat down at the desk and clicked the pen, beginning to write.

My Niall,

You probably realise that I wasn't at your match. I'm so sorry. But I had to do this, I had to protect you. I cannot tell you where I am going but just realise that I had to do it, for Martha, for Harry, for Joseph and for you. I couldn't deal with the possibility of something happening to you, any of you. So I had to leave. Niall I know that you will come looking for me, but move on with your life, it's for the best. I never in my life wanted to leave you, I wanted us to have children and grow old together but that's not going to happen now. I love you Niall, I have for a very long time and I will never stop loving you. Forever and Always, remember? You've saved me before Niall, now let me save you.

Forever Yours,
Nicole <3

Tears fell from my eyes at a rapid pace as I looked down at the letter. I folded the price of paper and wrote Niall's name at the top and placed it on his bed. I backed away from the bed and walked into the living area. I picked up my phone from the coffee table and sent a message to Martha and Harry for the last time.

To: Martha, Harry.

Take care of your little boy and my little godson :) I love you both very much, goodbye x

I sent the message and looked at the clock. Ok. I looked back down at my phone and re read Toms message.


I'm ready, meet me at Starbucks down the street.

I opened the front door and ran down the stairs. I didn't bother looking back at the building I couldn't bare the thought of Niall being hurt because me running back to him. I continued my trek down to Starbucks and when I finally reached the door a man stood in front of me.
"Excuse me, sorry I need to go in there." I apologised.
"Hello there babe." I quickly snapped my head up to be faced with Tom.
"Let's go." He grabbed my upper arm tightly and my eyes scrunched up in pain. Oh Niall, I miss you already.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن