Chapter Fourty Six

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You know when your just about to drift off to sleep but your still awake? Yeah, well that's what I'm like now. Niall killed the engine and I figured that we were outside our apartment. I heard Niall sigh before the door slammed and a couple of seconds later my door opened. I felt Niall's muscular arms wrap around me, shielding me from everything.
"Well hello Horan." I felt Niall's arms tense and I shuffled in his arms uncomfortably.
"What a surprise seeing you here." I know that voice! Who is it?! My head was tucked into Niall's chest and if I moved my head to see he would know that I was awake. I stayed in my position but listened carefully.
"Fuck off Tom." Tom?! Oh no.
"Now now Horan. That's no way to talk to an old friend." Tom teased.
"You've ruined my life enough as it is. Just leave me alone." Niall turned away from Tom and started to walk into the block of apartments.
"I'll stay away from you Horan, but I don't think I can stay away from your girl." I could feel Niall's gaze on my face. I knew he was beyond angry.
"Stay the fuck away from Nicole, got it? You've already taken away everyone else in my life and I'm not letting you take away my girl." The time of Niall's voice actually scared me and I knew that was because he is so protective of me.
"Keep an eye on her Horan, don't want her running off do we?" Tom laughed. I heard the scuffling of shoes and I guessed that Tom had left. Damn him! He was trying to tell Niall that I'm going to leave him.
I felt Niall lurch forward as he walked into the block of apartments and trying to get his keys from his back pocket whilst cradling me.
"Need some help mate?"
"Liam, wassup man?" Niall responded in a cheerful voice.
"Give me the keys." The jingling of keys was loud in my ears and I groaned whilst snuggling closer to Niall.
The door creaked open and I guessed that Liam shut it after him as Niall walked me down the hall and tucked me into his- I mean our bed. I felt a soft kiss on my forehead before Niall murmured the beautiful words that made my heart flutter.
"Night princess, I love you."


After I tucked Nicole into bed I walked into the kitchen and saw Liam standing there with a glass of milk.
"You have a habit of making yourself at home." I joked as I poured myself a glass of milk.
"When haven't I had one?" Liam smirked whilst downing the rest of his drink.
"So what you doing over here then?" I asked Liam whilst leaving back on the island.
"Well, I came here to see how you and Nicole are doing. But from the looks of things I believe that they are good." Liam winked. I rolled my eyes and placed my glass in the sink.
"How's you and Dani?"
"Oh we're good man. I ur...asker her to move in with me." I raised my eyebrows in shock. Wow, this is not like Liam.
"Congrats mate. Believe it or not, I asked Nic earlier today to move in with me." I laughed whilst clapping Liam on the back. He laughed and returned the congratulations.
"Well I best go. I don't like leaving Dani at home too long by herself." Liam squirmed walking to the door.
"I know what you mean man. Good luck with Dani. Keep in touch, yeah?" Liam nodded and we said our goodbyes.

After I shut the door when Liam left I walked back into the bedroom and saw Nicole sat wide awake with her headphones in and eyes closed, bobbing her head to the extremely loud music. A smirk etched it's way onto my face. I quickly retrieved my phone from my back pocket and took a picture and then laughed placing my phone on the nightstand. Nicole was sat the the foot of the bed with her legs hanging off of the end. Muhahaha. I crept up to her until I could feel her breath of my face and instead of scaring her I pushed my lips against hers. Nicole took a sharp intake of breath and I took that as my que to make the kiss more passionate. My tongue battled with hers and of course I won. I felt Nicole smile into the kiss and I did the same. I gave Nicole one last peck on the lips and removed the headphones from her ears.
"Hey, how you doinnnn?" Nicole burst out in laughter and her back hit the mattress. I climbed on top of her.
"What am I not cool enough to say that or something?" I accused whilst pinning Nicole beneath me.
"Yeah, you sounded like a twat."
"Oh really?" Nicole nodded and I started tickling her.
"No!..N-Niall. STOP!" I stopped tickling her and rubbed my nose against hers in a cute Eskimo kiss. I reached up to behind my neck and untied my necklace and held it in my hand.
"Here, I want you to have this." I opened my hand to reveal my four leafed clover necklace.
"Oh Niall, it's beautiful." I nodded and looked down at the pendant.
"My sister gave it to me, the week before she was taken. And now I want you to have it."


"My sister gave it to me, the week before she was taken. And now I want you to have it." I was shocked, Niall wanted me to have the necklace his sister had given him.
"Niall, I-I I can't accept this." Niall shook his head and pulled himself off the bed dragging me with him until I was stood in front of him.
"I want you to have it. A sign of my love for you, and how I will protect you against anything but above all, that you're mine." I looked into his eyes and saw his possessive nature come out.
"Is that why you want me to have it? To show that I am your property?" I asked disgusted. Niall's brow furrowed.
"Of course not. I want everyone to know that you're mine and how important you are to me. And that necklace symbolises your importance to me." My eyes started to fill up with tears and Niall embraced me in a tight hug. When he backed away I felt the necklace land on my chest.
"Beautiful." I looked down at where the necklace laid.
"Yes it is." To the naked eye it was plain and simple: leather band and a steel four leaved clover. But to me it resembles love. Niall's love for his sister, Elizabeth's love for Niall, my love for Niall and Niall's love for me.
"I wasn't talking about the necklace." I gazed into Niall's sea blue eyes and gave him a small smile. A big cheesy grin spread across Niall's face as he walked closer to me once again and wrapped his arms around me in a tight embrace.
"I love you more than words can say." I blushed and returned with a simple line that would mean everything to him.
"I love you too. Forever and always."

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now