Chapter Eleven

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Max and his gang had backed off and I walked over to Nicole to comfort her. She was almost in my arms when her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she collapsed, I managed to catch her before she fell to the floor and injured herself. I swear if Max goes anywhere near my Nicole again he's going to loose some limbs. I looked at Nicole, her face was so peaceful and beautiful. I carried her bridal style over to my bike and then I had a problem, how the hell am I going to get her on my bike?! I was drawn out of my dilemma when my phone started to ring, I supported Nicole with one arm and fished the phone out of my back pocket and read the caller ID; Harry.

(N- Niall, H- Harry)

N- "hey man, what's up?"

H- "nothing mate, just wanted to see how your date was going."

N- "it's not good Haz, Max and his gang of tramps showed up and now Nicole is unconscious."

H- "oh crap, you took your bike right?"

N- "yeah, why?"

H- "how the hell are you going to get home with an unconscious chick on your bike?"

N- "I have no fucking idea mate."

H- "'sigh' I will come and pick you up, you at Dean's right?"

N- "yeah, how'd you know that?"

H- "I may have a tracker on your bike."

N- "your insane! Now hurry up and get here Haz, I'm really worried about Nicole."

H- "ok, I'm leaving now, I will be there in 5 minutes."

I hung up the phone and returned it to my back pocket. The wind outside was really starting to pick up now and to top it off it was raining. Great. All I could think about was how Nicole's lips were turning blue. Oh fuck she's freezing. Well I can't blame her, she's wearing a white summer dress with a thin as fuck cardigan; what was she thinking? I took my leather jacket off and wrapped it around her, I'd rather myself be cold than her.

I was soaking, but I was shielding the rain from Nicole. At last I saw Harry's Jeep pull into the car park, I ran to his car whilst still carrying an unconscious Nicole in my arms. I gently laid her on the back seats and then climbed into the front with Harry. 

"What the hell happened man?" I sighed, I might as well tell him since he is in the same profession as me. 

"We'll I was about to take Nicole home when Max and his gang was hanging around my bike and well he's getting pissed cause I haven't delivered his drugs. And then I said I can get them to him by Sunday afternoon and then we were surrounded and Nicole fainted." I gave him a brief summary. 

"Oh dude, that's crap, does Nicole know you sell drugs?" Harry asked keeping his eyes on the road. 

"No but she will soon." 

"What do you mean?" I exhaled deeply and said, 

"Max is making me being Nicole to the forest for the exchange on Sunday. He said she will be 'useful', I swear if he lays a single finger on her-" 

"You love her don't you." Harry looked at me and I looked out the window; we were in my estate, I didn't even realise the car had stopped. 

"What? Love? No, you know I don't settle down." I told Harry trying to stop his accusing me of falling in love even though I think I have. 

"Don't deny it man, you know you do. If you didn't you wouldn't mind taking her on Sunday or what Max would do to her if he got her alone." Harry taunted me. 

"Don't. Say. That. He will never touch her whilst I'm still breathing" my hands turned into fists. 

"Wow dude, I was just proving a point. Calm down." I took in deep breathes, I don't want to have a fight with my best mate. Nicole stirred from the backseat, I smiled sadly at her and tuned back to Harry. 

"I should be going mate, thanks for the lift though, see you tomorrow?" I asked giving him a bro hug. 

"That's alright and yeah me and Martha will swing by your place in the afternoon." I nodded and got out of the car and carefully got Nicole out and carried her bridal style up the 4 flights of stairs before placing her on my bed where she slept peacefully. Damn, Harry's right, I've fallen hard for this girl.

I Fell In Love With A Bad Boy [Niall Horan]Where stories live. Discover now