Chapter Twenty Seven

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Niall didn't say anything he just sort of froze whilst hovering above me.
"Ni? Are you ok?" He snapped out of his trance and looked deep into my green eyes before rolling off me and laying next to me.
"It's just a lot to take in.-" he took a deep breath before getting out of the bed and over to his jeans.
"I need to talk to Harry." Just as he retrieved his phone from his back pocket I leapt up onto the bed and jumped onto his back swatting the phone away to the other side of the room. Niall and I fell with a clatter onto my hardwood flooring.
"Ow, shit! Are you ok Nic?" Awh he's still worried I got hurt even if I had a Niall that broke my fall.
"I'm fine you loon." I said getting up. I pulled Niall up when I had got to my feet and when he went to pick up the phone I pulled his face to mine and crashed our lips together.
"Nic, what are you doing?" He mumbled against my lips. I decided now would be a good time to put up an act to distract him from calling Harry.
"Oh I see, you don't want to kiss me." I said offended and moved out of Niall's grip and walking away into my bathroom. I heard him huff at me. Indicating he wanted me to turn around. Nope, not gonna happen. All of a sudden I was pushed up against the wall.
"I want to kiss you all of the time dammit. I want to make love to you, and hold you all the fucking time. So don't say I don't want you. Cause I dont." Wait hold the phone. He doesn't want me? I could feel Niall's hot breath on my forehead as I turned my gaze to the tile flooring beneath me. Tears we're threatening to pool out of my eyes in a never ending stream. His big hands caught either side of my face and lifted my head up to face him. He pulled is face closer to mine so our lips were touching before he murmured against them.
"I need you." After those 3 beautiful words I crashed my lips to his again, but this time he kissed back with just as much force. When we had finished our little make out session he put his forehead on mine and gazed into my eyes. I think I should tell him about why I don't want him to ring Harry now.
"Niall, I don't want you to ring Harry." Niall's face screwed up in utter confusion.
"Why?" I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Because Harry doesn't know that Martha is pregnant, and I think she wants to tell him, but when she's ready." Niall's face held confusion and relief.
"Oh ok then, we should get back to bed." He said whilst lifting me over his shoulder.
"NIALL, WHATEVER YOUR MIDDLE NAME IS, HORAN! PUT ME DOWN NOW!!!" I screamed at him. He just chuckled and threw me on my bed whilst getting over to the left side of the bed and pulling me against his chest.
"Don't scream, you parents are home and they'll think we're doing stuff." Niall said cheekily. I slapped his chest and nuzzled my face in the crook of his neck.
"Go to sleep Horan." A quiet chuckle filled my ears before I started to drift off to sleep. But not before a pair of soft plump lips connected with my forehead, and Niall whispered the words that made my heart flutter.
"I love you."


The light tapping on my door awoke me from my amazing dream. Seriously? I was having a good dream!
"Nicci, your father and I have to go to work, be safe an eat your breakfast." I heard my mothers voice through the door, 3 minutes after I heard the door slam and I was alone with a sleeping Niall. I untangled myself from Niall successfully without waking him up and walked downstairs to prepare breakfast for Niall.


I was ripped out of my sleep with a heavenly smell radiating from down stairs. I rolled on my side expecting to find Nicole, when I couldn't feel her body on the bed I jolted upright and wondered downstairs in search of her. When I reached the kitchen I found her wearing her shorts she wore to sleep in and my top. Wait hang on, my top? Owell. As I gazed over Nicole I realised that she had her headphones in really loud and she was quietly singing along whilst bobbing her head along to the music and cooking over the stove. I chuckled and stood behind her, making her jump 10 feet in the air with fright.


Whilst I was cooking Niall's breakfast I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched, I just shrugged it off and blamed it on the morning. Just as I was getting to the good part of the song and I was about to sing along. 2 strong arms wrapped around my waist making me jump in the air in fright whilst whacking the pervert with the spatula i had in my hand. When I turned around i realised it was my Irish boyfriend.
"Niall you idiot! You scared the fucking shit out of me!" I screamed at him. He chuckled and pulled me in for a kiss.
"Awh, I'm sorry babe. I didn't mean to frighten you. But you look amazing." I looked down at what I was wearing before giving Niall a look that said, 'are you stupid?' He just rolled his eyes and held me in his embrace.
"You always look beautiful to me." Now it was my turn to roll my eyes before I turned back to his breakfast and plating it up.
"Here. Good morning Niall." I said as I handed him his breakfast. He smiled and sat down at the table.
"You not having any?" I shook my head. He frowned and picked a small plate out of the cabinet before piling it with toast, eggs and bacon.
"Eat." He demanded, sighing I sat down across from him and we ate our breakfast in silence.

When we had finished our breakfast I collected our plates and put them in the sink to wash up. I filled the sink with water and soap, just as I was about to clean I was rudely pushed away. I gaped at Niall and he pushed me away again.
"Go and get ready and I will wash these, then we will go and see Martha." I nodded and began to leave the kitchen, I quickly turned around and realised Niall had gotten changed, what? When the fuck did he get changed?! He also found the other top of his that I had stolen a while back. Laughing I left the kitchen and ran upstairs to have a shower. Once I was all clean I had to decide what to wear. hand reached out to pick and item of clothing which happened to be my black ripped skinny jeans, yay! I then tugged them up my legs and searched for a decent top, immediately my hands went for my white superman top and my dark blue Hollister hoodie. When I had sprayed some perfume on and swiped some my mascara over my eye lashes, I returned downstairs to my amazing boyfriend.
"C'mon, I want to see Martha!" I tugged him out of the house and into my dads car.
"I thought you can't drive." Niall said confused.
"I can, but I don't have my driving licence yet, were only going down a couple of streets but I want to get there quick." I explained whilst pulling out of the drive and heading to Martha and Harry's house.
"I wonder what Harry's going to say about all this." I wondered aloud.

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